Saturday, 31 May 2014

Last Day of Cutting

Today is my last day cutting! I am tired, exhausted, drained and I am so ready for my increase in carbs!!!

This week I decided to mix up how I would normally disperse my carbs during the day. I stuck to pro / fat meals for snack 1 and lunch and loaded in the majority of my daily allowance of carbs in my pre workout meal.  I wanted to really push myself in the gym this week and in doing this I smashed Afew PB's which I was happy about.

I took a photo on Monday and today from my last week in cutting to see if there was any changes in my body as I must admit as well I didn't hit my macros spot on this week either there was Afew days I was 10-20g over or under on my carbs 🙈.

When I woke on Saturday I headed straight to Banks O Dee to get an In-Body reading done... Some people are quite sceptical of the readings it gives however when I have had them done it's only been 0.1-0.5% max difference in the Body Fat compared to the callipers!  Either way it's a good benchmark to have when tracking progress.

The day before my comp I came in at 10.2% on the callipers and 55.9kilos.  After comp I had a cheat meal, then a cheat meal the following day, and then 2 cheat days at the end of the week... 3 weeks on am coming in at 11.2% on Inbody which am super pleased about!!!

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Sweet Cravings

At some point we all get hit by the sugar monster and crave something sweet! For me it's usually around "female week", unlike most females my body doesn't produce the same level of female hormones naturally so it's very rare I get sweet cravings at this time.

I am putting together some simple easy recipies on here that I have tried, tested or created and will post then in the recipies page!

This week I have had some sweet craving which I think is down to knowing that this is the last week of my cut!

I decided to make some Dark Chocolate Protein Donuts which are super simple to make! Go check out my recipie!!!

Last Week Cutting

Six weeks prior to the comp I decided to keep my meals very simple... Chicken and Veg, Oats, Turkey Steaks, Almonds or Chicken / Turkey Salads with steamed fish as well.

Knowing this was my last week on my cut I decided to experiment abit more introducing different foods into my diet to assist with the transition into reverse dieting... More couscous, beans, Fetta, ham, and nuts!  Roll on lunchtime so I can have my marinated chicken in cashew nut spread yummy!

Monday, 26 May 2014

New Goals

Over the past week I have been slightly confused what my next goal would be.  I carried on cutting with the intention of competing in the Cumbrian Classic on the 7th of June.

Last week I started to have doubts over comments that was made prior to me competing and after the competition which have been plaguing me.  No nasty comments at all just a lot of the same remarks... That I am too muscly for Bikini.

When I look in the mirror I feel I look similar to some of the Bikini Winners across various federations in Europe and America, but I knew from being back stage at the Scottish and recent winners of UKBFF Bikini categories this year that I am a lot more muscly than them.

One of my friends Fiona said I looked amazing on stage but she thought I didn't look anywhere near as ripped or hard as I always look in the gym and when I look at pics back I can see where she is coming from.

Afew others think I was in the wrong category and should have been body fitness... However I don't think that I was there training wise to be in that category esp standing next to Michelle Morris and Kerry Donaghy who look AMaZING!

After a lot of thinking this weekend I have decided not to do the Cumbrian Classic, and instead to start my reverse diet on Sunday and train for NABBA England on 19th of October alongside Silver City which is a Charity Event on Sunday 7th of November.

Of course I will defiantly be changing category now!!!

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Leg Day

Its no secret that Leg Day is my favourite! with Shoulders and Arms coming a close 2nd at the moment! 

I train at David Lloyd's in Aberdeen, and although there is a lot of Leg Equipment compared to smaller gyms it is very basic... 1 Squat Rack, 1 Leg Press, Seated Hamstring Curl & Seated Leg Extension.... you know the e card that state 'Race you to the Squat Rack' well in Lloyd's you don't have to do this.. it is a male Disco Muscle Gym!!!

Don't get me wrong there has been a few instances where the Squat Rack is being used... and when it is, it always ends up being the guy who thinks its acceptable to do 15 sets of 20 reps! I seen this tonight.. but luckily for me I didn't need the Squat Rack for today's leg session!

For anyone who receives a training programme from a trainer who isn't a member of your gym, it can be difficult for them to write a programme not knowing what equipment can be available.  Andy is a member at Warehouse, which has much more Leg equipment, sometimes you have to use your imagination to be able to perform an exercise with limited equipment.  A perfect example on tonight's Leg Programme would be 'Glute Ham Raises'.

My improvisation to get the exercise done.....

At first I just used the Rope set at 10 kilos and locked my legs under the Lateral Pull down rest with a step on the ground to assist to stop me face planting the floor while holding onto the rope to help pull me back up... but I still felt a bit unsafe with a few near misses of a smashed nose..... I then got the smallest gym ball I could find and wedged it between the step and the Lateral Pull Down bench - perfect! I no longer felt unsafe or that I would cause myself injury by possibly not being able to get up!

Sometimes even in the gym you still have to be imaginative to ensure that you fulfil your workout, there is always alternatives as oppose to skipping an exercise due to lack of equipment! NO EXCUSES!

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Healthy Treat

As a kid my favourite desert was Angel Delight Butterscotch flavour! Obviously that doesn't quite fit my macros on plan.... and then I stumbled upon this...... Muscle Mousse Butterscotch Flavour 😱

I did plan to use this as a "healthy treat" having it as a bedtime snack after "Leg Day", even better as I am hitting legs twice a week at the moment! .... However I made it just as it says on the tub and oh me it was the worst desert I have tasted ever!!! Afew people on Instagram have told me other ways to make it, so I will give their methods ago and see how I get on!

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

New Goals

I went back on plan on Sunday with the goal to do the Cumbrian Classic on the 7th of June... although I am still working towards this I am starting to think that perhaps I am not a Bikini Girl. 

I am getting too muscly that I now I feel I don't meet the requirements for Bikini... I was told that UKBFF look for a softer look for their Bikini and although I could come in soft for the comp, there is part of me that doesn't want to because I love how I look right now, I know I need to shred more mid section but other than that I am quite happy with the changes in my body over the past 20 weeks.

A few people have mentioned NABBA Toned Category would be more suited to me, and I have had a look at some of the girls who competed, with more work I think I would slot into this category well, however when I look at some of the US or European Bikini Competitors who have a 'Hard' look about them I still think I am Bikini?! #headfry

As for the Cumbrian Classic, I will carry on my training and the week before the event I will make my final decision, even if I do compete and come in too hard , then I am going to use the competition as more stage / competition experience and to meet more like minded people - but I certainly won't be coming in soft, I would rather be on stage being 100% happy with how I look even if what I bring to the stage in the end isn't quite what they are after for that category.

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Dealing with a Hangover whilst on plan!

With the Comp being on Sunday the 11th of May and my fitness photo shoot on Friday 16th of May, I couldn't cheat straight after the competition.  Instead I decided to have a treat at the cinema after my photo shoot, and then a cheat meal on the Saturday with alcohol, then back on plan on the Sunday.

This was the first time I had been out drinking since Christmas Day!   My friend Katrina came out with me, Katrina had not been out in Aberdeen since the birth of her 2nd child Lucy last year! so it was a great to share my first night out this year with someone who was in the same boat!

We went to Pizza Express to encourage me to have something carby (when I go out for food I tend to order off the Vegetarian Menu!) and we shared a bottle of prosecco before gracing some of the bars in Aberdeen with our presence. 

I love wine... however having a glass of white wine in every bar you visit and a few Pina Colada's along the way is never a good idea! 

7am on Sunday and my head is in the toilet spewing... I actually uttered the magic words 'I am never drinking again'.  Feeling so awful the next day is something that I did not miss at all!  I spent the next 6 hours dozing on and off whilst watching the TV - Biggest waste of a Sunday in a long time!  Some how I managed to stick to plan, and ate my meals and hit my macros, although I did have a few gag reflex's with the Banana Protein Shake.  By 4pm I felt myself and went to the gym and managed my Shoulders Session and PWO HIIT.  #willpower

On another note being on plan for 20 weeks has made me completely change my views on alcohol! I will never binge drink again... and over the past 20 weeks I have been on nights out and not drank whilst everyone else has been drunk and it didn't even bother me! you don't need to have alcohol to have a good time!  I must admit though I do miss a glass of red wine on a Friday Evening after a stressful week at work!

Friday, 16 May 2014

Jonathan Addie - Fitness Photo Shoot

As mentioned before I never set out on my training programme to compete on stage,  however I always planned to do a Fitness Photo shoot to reflect my hard work.

Jonathan has a lot of experience doing this types of shoots, I knew I didn't want the typical glamorous smiley sexy type fitness shots as I am not the most photogenic person.  I opted for a more serious type shoot that reflected my progress.

Jonathan was great at making me feel so at ease and confident throughout the whole shoot! and I loved all my pictures!!!  I highly recommend him to anyone who is after a similar type of shoot.

All I can say is roll on tomorrow! Finally I get my long over due 'Cheat Day', and then its back on plan on Sunday!!!

Sunday, 11 May 2014

UKBFF Scottish Championship

After 20 weeks of following a strict training and nutrition plan, I finally made it to stage and competed in my first competition.

I didn't start out on the plan initially to compete, this ended up happening half way through my training plan which was to become lean and retain muscle mass, something I had previously struggled with, but thanks to Andy Rennie I managed to succeed!

For someone lacking confidence, constantly doubting myself and repeatedly analysing how I looked I really don't know what happened for me to overcome stepping on stage... in fact I do... a few glasses of pinot before stepping on stage!!!

The 2 weeks prior to the competition was exhausting and I was literally walking around like a Zombie. I rarely slept due to worrying about going on stage despite being happy with how I looked on the final week.  For me the most daunting part of the weekend was the Posing Workshop the week before, it was the first time I had ever done any posing in front of anyone, but lucky for me the workshop actually re assured me and helped ease my nerves.  Although nervous on the morning of the competition I defiantly was not as nervous as the day before.

I loved the whole experience and I can't wait to do it all over again!