Sunday, 18 May 2014

Dealing with a Hangover whilst on plan!

With the Comp being on Sunday the 11th of May and my fitness photo shoot on Friday 16th of May, I couldn't cheat straight after the competition.  Instead I decided to have a treat at the cinema after my photo shoot, and then a cheat meal on the Saturday with alcohol, then back on plan on the Sunday.

This was the first time I had been out drinking since Christmas Day!   My friend Katrina came out with me, Katrina had not been out in Aberdeen since the birth of her 2nd child Lucy last year! so it was a great to share my first night out this year with someone who was in the same boat!

We went to Pizza Express to encourage me to have something carby (when I go out for food I tend to order off the Vegetarian Menu!) and we shared a bottle of prosecco before gracing some of the bars in Aberdeen with our presence. 

I love wine... however having a glass of white wine in every bar you visit and a few Pina Colada's along the way is never a good idea! 

7am on Sunday and my head is in the toilet spewing... I actually uttered the magic words 'I am never drinking again'.  Feeling so awful the next day is something that I did not miss at all!  I spent the next 6 hours dozing on and off whilst watching the TV - Biggest waste of a Sunday in a long time!  Some how I managed to stick to plan, and ate my meals and hit my macros, although I did have a few gag reflex's with the Banana Protein Shake.  By 4pm I felt myself and went to the gym and managed my Shoulders Session and PWO HIIT.  #willpower

On another note being on plan for 20 weeks has made me completely change my views on alcohol! I will never binge drink again... and over the past 20 weeks I have been on nights out and not drank whilst everyone else has been drunk and it didn't even bother me! you don't need to have alcohol to have a good time!  I must admit though I do miss a glass of red wine on a Friday Evening after a stressful week at work!

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