Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Gentic Advantages - Legs

Not everyone is born with great genetics, what I have found in the past year with meeting other fellow competitors is everyone’s approach to comp prep is completely different!  There are some people who can get away minimal training or dieting and still have an awesome physique and place in a competition.  Unfortunalty bodybuilding is the same as any sport, some people are just naturally more gifted than others.

I am not one of the gifted people.  I have to train hard in the gym sometimes twice a day, I pay careful attention to my diet especially where sugar is concerned!  As they say if you want results you need to put the time in.

A lot of people comment on my legs, but my legs aren’t down to genetics at all.  If you compare some of my older pictures to recent ones there is a clear difference.  My legs have come from training them hard, 2-3 times a week with resistance training.  Andy threw me right into the deep end with leg days and there was a lot of  tears and sweat, but it’s been worth it… I still haven’t come across many girls who can box squat 180kg or leg press 440kg for 3 sets of 6 reps.  Infact almost every day my legs are being worked via Stairmaster, cycling or Les Mills Body Step Classes!  I also do Pilates twice a week.  

The reason why my legs were the main focus of last year’s prep was because previously I had been doing a lot of running, and I had picked up calf injuries and I also had your generic runners ‘flat butt’. 

If you want great legs you have to put in the work! if you’re not genetically gifted in that area then you need to train hard! Anything is achievable with hard work! 

As I write this I am sitting with DOMS from last nights leg session!!!

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