Saturday, 10 January 2015

The Apprentice

For those of you who are regular readers of my blog, you will remember me speaking about Laura last year.  I helped Laura workout her maintenance macros, and ratios's along with developing a more structured training programme for her to follow throughout the festive period.  She did exercises taking her out of her comfort zone such as deadlifts, box squats and core workouts.

Laura's goal is to reduce body fat, thus allowing her abs to come out stronger than they were last year for her photoshoot last February.  She is not increasing muscle mass as she would have had to be in a calorie surplus prior to embarking on this plan.  Last year Laura did an 8 week plan, along with a cheat day each week.  This time round there is one cheat meal half way through the programme that I have devised, and a lot more emphasis on carb cycling, timing of foods round the workout perimeter.   I am already noticing the changes in Laura after 2 weeks and she is already defiantly leaner that she was at her photoshoot!!!!  

Laura told me that she was 18% body fat on the day of her shoot, but she started her programme with me on 18% after spending the festive months sticking to her macros i set her via flexible dieting and following the training programme so she is already starting in a better position than she was last year!!!!  Irrespective of this there is no denying that Laura is already low body fat compared to the average female and is super lean!  If we can knock off 2% body fat over the course of the 9 week programme these abs will be a lot more visible than last year!

Laura has found this week hard and has gone over her macros on several days, on a review of her food diary it was clear that she just wasn't thinking enough regarding her food choices!  A salad isn't very filling but changing it out for vegetables and more fibrous foods are going to fill her a lot better and make the plate look full!

For those of you interested in following Laura's journey you can read her blog.

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