Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Week 32 - Progress Update

I made the decision not to take any scales with me to Austria.  I am always preaching to my clients not to pay any attention to the scales because it takes into account so many factors!  Hormones, food you ate the day before, water, stress etc.  If your waist is coming in you are getting leaner, the mirror will reflect this and people will notice.  Nobody knows what you weigh other than yourself.

We have all seen the poster ad of the women who all weigh the same but have completely different body shapes!

The only time I weigh myself is when I am back in the UK.  Over the past 6 weeks my weight has fluctuated by 0.3lbs.  However my waist and hips have decreased, but my biceps, triceps, back/chest, calves and quads have remained the same size (perfect just what I want).  My abs are coming through and people are now commenting how much leaner I am looking which means I am on the right track!

This year I am cutting very slowly, I have removed all stressful situations  (last year I did 4 different courses at uni / college) at the same time I was competing and my head was complete mush!  I took on far too much last year.  Hopefully by cutting a lot slower and having managed to keep my body fat under 15% on my off season along with getting my carbs up to 400g a day with minimal changes on my waist measurement this years prep shouldn't be as tough as I found it last year.

I have decided to compete this year based on how I am responding, and hoping to hit some of the comps in July based on my location I am unsure if it will be in the UK or not, but I do have afew comps in mind.

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