When I was over weight, one thing that I found hard was the conflicting information out there. There is so much "fad" diets out there endorsed by celebrities or diet companies that pry on vulnerable people who want to make a change and think a 12 day plan will make them shed 1 stone.
The truth is a lot of these diets shed water only, and as soon as you come off the plan your body rebounds badly - putting the weight on as quick as you lost it. (Don't even get me started on the body wraps!)
I hate the word word diet, because of the stigma it attracts. That its hard work, you will be hungry, you can't have a life. The truth is we all know good nutrition, good nutrition is easy!
If I put a plate of salmon, vegetables and grains on one plate, and chips, cheeseburger and coke in the other, and asked you what is the healthy option, you would all pick the plate with the Salmon, Vegetables and Grains!
The issue with most people is they want results fast, where as slow steady progress is the key to successful weight loss and maintaining what you have achieved. Good nutrition and moving more (activity level) - it's as simple as that.
I love instagram.... however every day recently it winds me up seeing people who claim to be nutritionists or health experts, posting pictures of their diet for the day which is loaded with protein bars, low calorie sauces, diet sodas etc. Or bowls of fage littered with tiny amounts of every standard chocolate bar.
Where is the good healthy balanced nutrition meals?
I think a healthy balanced food diary for a day should be 95% clean and 5% of some naughtiness. Every meal should contain a good quality Protein, Carb and Fat source. Other than breakfast I have vegetables with every meal or salad. My carb sources are from Quinoa, sweet potato or oats. My meat choices are varied across all meals from white fish, turkey and chicken. My little bit of naughtiness is my protein pancakes with cashew butter or a tea spoon of nutella.
I would never consume protein bars throughout the day (nor would I ever even think about consuming this every day!) and then post pics claiming its a healthy diet and diets don't have to be bland! If your following someone on Instagram who fits this bill then remove them from your follow list because they are simply preying on vulnerable people making them think this is healthy and that they will loose weight by eating these foods.
I make healthy alternative treats and post the recipes on my blog and my personal training website, all of my clients know that these are
not to be incorporated every day, but they can be incorporated once during the weekend throughout their plan as a means of a pick me up, and a healthier alternative to the bad choice they would have made.
I have started to become social media posting smart, after Bodypower and listing to DLB's views on fitness people who post selfies up of themselves, my recent pics have always stated when the pics were taken now. Likewise any healthy meals I post will now come with a statement to be consumed as a healthy treat with a healthy balanced diet.
After all you never know who your influencing or inspiring.