Saturday, 23 May 2015

Yeh don't put me down for cardio

I am 8 weeks out today, and although I am getting lean, I know that I should be leaner than this so the cardio is going to have to be increased.

I love cardio, when it doesn't feel like a chore, but I always find on prep it doesn't feel as enjoyable.  I love morning cardio - if I have had a decent sleep as it sets you up for the day.

Afew months ago I seen a post on fb by 2 friends, one was a bikini competitor the other a marathon runner.  I have nothing but respect and appreciation for both girls. 

The post was on the bikini competitor moaning about her cardio - which I can so relate to! And the marathon runner retaliated that cardio isn't bad! -  100% right and hats off to anyone who can run marathons and half marathons like this girl can #machine and she lifts!

Sometimes its hard for people who haven't prepped for stage to understand what a stage competitor has to go through.  Your carbs are going down, your training twice a day, having to be sensible with carb distribution, giving your all in your resistance session and ten you have posing to do.  To add to that your head is compleatly fried with the lack of carbs and your having to hold down a full time job.  You become irratible, super sensitive to any comments, fighting demons in the mirror and lack patience.

I don't know anything about marathon prep so am not going to comment on something I know nothing about.  But what I do know is iv ran 5 and 10ks in the past and its mentally challenging And I have a half marathon in October which am really worried about! Il defo be going to this girl for tips! 

My thoughts are and this goes for anyone if you haven't been there don't comment on something you can't relate to.  

Right now I am finding cardio challenging
It doesn't mean any of my posts relating to cardio have hate towards it - cardio assists in getting lean - just right now I bloody hate it! 😂😂 so please folks don't take it personally.  I hate turkey steaks too but I haven't got anything against turkeys 😂.

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