Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Under or Over???

For most women who train or have lost weight there comes a time that breast augmentation (BA) may cross their mind.

For me this happened a year ago, after witnessing my chest decrease from a 36GG to a 32C within 2 years and now in the past year to a 28B.  

I constantly stuff my bra and gym tops to "enhance" something that isn't there.  One of my male friends said I was committing fraud! πŸ˜‚

I guess when you think about it I am already fake because my so called "assets" are enhanced with chicken fillets the only difference being they sit externally to my body as oppose to being internal!

The past few months after competing enlargement has played on my mind a lot, if anything to the point I think about it daily.

My issue with the surgery is recovery, and which option is best under or over?!  I know I want surgery but which option is best for me?

I don't like to rush into anything like this... It took me 12 years to get my rhinoplasty!!! However I don't plan to spend 12 years thinking about this!!! 

I have researched a number of forum boards and read countless amounts of posts from females regarding their experiences, I have found very limited amounts of information from girls who lift writing about their experiences but what I have found has been very informative.

Originally I felt under the muscle would be the way to go but this past week all I have read is about the long recovery period, the pain from being under the muscle due to it being tight from training... Which has made me side towards over the muscle. 

However my friend Stacey made a valid point don't just go with over because recovery is quicker, your stuck with them for at least 10 years so you go with what suits you.

I guess when you compete you always have to have a plan, and because I am still undecided what to train for next year it's making planning harder to contend with.  My focus is my next 2 comps in September once I have competed I would hope that it clears my head and makes me focus more on next years goals and where my surgery is ideally fitted into that.

If anyone has some useful sites or links with info please post your comments below!!!

Monday, 28 July 2014

6 Weeks Out

πŸ™ˆ Okay so I mis counted somewhere along the lines and I am infact 6 weeks out as of yesterday!!!

Last week was awful for me, not only was it time of the month but I had a lot of self doubt issues if competing in September was a sensible decision or not.  

I did a lot of mirror watching and I felt tighter! Then on Saturday I depleted water, messed around with sodium.... the outcome was I looked shit.... I felt shit and my mind was completely scrambled.

After some conversations with several very supportive friends I got into a better mindset, and woke up this morning determined to do this! 

Sometimes words from the right people is all you need to push and give the confidence you need.  I am so lucky to have some very supportive people round me and most importantly "honest" people.

Oh here's this weeks progress pics πŸ™ˆhate them! Bring on next weeks pics!!!

Saturday, 26 July 2014

SFN Exhibition

2014 marks the first Sports Fitness & Nutrition exhibition in Scotland.  If you haven't already for your tickets you can get 10% off at the tills by using my discount code!!!

Friday, 25 July 2014

The Female Ab Obsession

I have been wanting to blog in regards to this topic for a while, the female obsession of abs! 

One of my goals during my fitness journey was to achieve the "6 pack" however it became very clear this wouldn't happen for me.

I follow a lot of people on Instagram, and my pet hate is girls who post ‘Daily Ab Progress’ pictures, in different lighting, angles or times of the day.  I really don't understand the point in this? And your not showing a true representation against the photo you took the day before or the day before that?

Unlike men, women have many contributing factors that can effect "ab definition".  Genetically most women don’t develop a 6 pack as it requires a very low body fat percentage to show a level of definition.  The typical very lean women will develop 3 vertical lines of definition running down the middle and both sides of their stomach – this is the general equivalent of a 6 pack for a female.

Factors going against us obtaining a defined gridded 6 pack are:-

·         Your menstrual cycle starts around one week pre period, then you have the bloat on the week of your period, and for some the bloat can remain for a further week after your period
·         Women naturally have more body fat percentage than men due to our ability to produce another life.
·         We hold more body fat in our tummy area
·         Food sources effect women and men differently
·         Metabolic rate or previous metabolic damage.

There is no quick or easy way to get abs, it’s a hard slog of ‘smart’ training, reducing weight and body fat, cutting out junk food and booze COMPLETLEY! A change in diet and good nutrition plays a crucial role in obtaining abs for a female.

Contrary to popular belief Ab Workouts 7 days a week or 200 crunches per night does not get you a Six Pack!

On top of this once you do achieve your desired ‘abs’ you must then sustain this lifestyle that got you there in the first place!!!

I have learned to deal with fact that my top 2 abs pop all the time, my middle 2 abs appear in the morning until around lunchtime, and my bottom 2 abs I don’t think they exist!  I have never seen them, and the lowest body fat I have been to date is 10.2% and even then my middle 2 weren’t permanently out.

SUPER JELOUS of any female that does obtain a 6 pack (my sister is living proof this can happen and hers popped out at 12% Body fat!).. And worse still post baby those bloody abs are back and popping better than mine are right now! And am current sitting at 10.5%, 8 weeks out from competing!

Come on ladies, progress pictures need to show a true representation! If you want to share your "ab progress", show a true representation take the pics using same lighting, camera, position, time of day, once a week and make reference to any fluctuations / changes in diet, menstrual cycle, macros, cardio impact etc that week!  Make your progress pics valid!

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Multi Tasking and Meal Preps

Over the past few weeks I have received a number of emails from friends asking for help in achieving their results in the gym.  The first thing I ask them is what is your diet like?  Some people are so deluded by the fact that if they put all the time and effort in at the gym the results will happen.  Unfortunately it doesn’t work like that.  Nutrition plays a wider role than excersize when trying to achieve results.   

When I start to question their eating habits this is what separates the weak from the strong, and the excuses start to come,  an ‘excuse’ in my view deems a person not quite ready to commit to change.  Change can be small in regards to nutrition and gradually increased, Rome wasn’t built in a day after all and steady and slow achieves results.

‘I couldn’t do what you do spend hours cooking?’

Let’s take for example a typical ‘soap fan’, quite willing to spend 2 hours of their life on aMonday Night watching, Emmerdale, Corrie, EastEnders and then Corrie again, sat on a couch doing nothing!!  The ‘small change’ could be using that 2 hour time frame to cook and prep all your meals for the weekend while still catching up on the soaps?!  This is called ‘Multi-Tasking’ – it’s amazing, you can achieve so much by doing it!  Furthermore I find cooking an enjoyable and therapeutic experience.

I had no plans on Saturday evening, I had plans on Sunday and I needed to prep my food for the week ahead.  I used Saturday evening as the time to prep my meals and what started as prepping for the week ahead turned out being prepping for almost the fortnight ahead!  I made a grand total of 23 meals within 1 hour and 46 minutes. 

How did I do it?  simples.  I looked through my recipe book to find recipes that had similar ingredients… which was Chicken Curry, Chicken Jambalaya and Italian Lean Mince.

1.     Chopped up all the veg for the 3 recipes
2.     Chicken Curry and Chicken Jambalaya, both pans were cooking the chicken, and these 2 recipes also require simmering for 30-45 minutes and done at the same time.. Once the chicken was cooked in both pans I added the veg… and then the different ingredients to each pan for each recipe.  Whilst both were simmering for the 45 minutes I started my 3rd recipe.
3.     The veg was already chopped as per number 1, so all I had to do was spend5/10 min browning the mince, added the veg and the remaining ingredients and then left simmering along with the other 2 meals.  This recipe is 30 minute simmering which means it will finish the same time as the other 2 recipes.
4.     Steamer on cooking all my veg for the week ahead for my evening meals and lunches. (20 minutes)
5.     I have a big George Foreman and I cook 4 breasts each time throughout until 16 breasts are cooked, took me approx. 30 minutes.

The results were

4 Chicken Curry
4 Chicken Jambalaya
5 Italian Lean Mince
6 Chicken & Veg

Total 23 Meals and on top of this 7 Veg Bags for Evening Meals

I prepare my Breakfast, Snack 1 and Lunch on the day fresh (an example would be oats in the morning, turkey bacon and egg whites for snack 1 and lunch is chicken and vegetables with cashew butter) – I always try to make these 3 meals different each day.  I leave my delicious meals for my Pre & Post Workout Meals.  I don’t always use one of my recipes for my post work out meal, as I like to eat a lot of fish and veg in the evening but where I get abit bored of having fish then il have one of the recipes as a post workout meal.

Some people might question do I get bored?  Well no I don’t because they taste amazing and I always make sure each day isn’t quite the same as the day before, so for example Monday I might have jambalaya and Italian lean mince, the next day I might have curry and maybe fish made fresh.

My point to this post is I gave up 1 hour and 46 minutes out of my week to prep all these meals, anyone who can’t find 1 hour and 46 minutes to do the same really and find excuses why they can’t find the time to do this are failing themselves.

For anyone trying to lose weight, and change their lifestyle (not competing in any sports) Flexible dieting is a great way to assist you in meeting your goals… where I don’t agree with ‘Flexible Dieting’ is when people choose this to fit in a mars bar every day or ice cream and make poor food choices!  What is the point?!  It completely defeats the purpose and you’re only going to feel hungrier because you have sacrificed some decent meals for a lousy chocolate bar… where as you could have made yourself a nice nutritious ‘clean’ protein flap jack that would have sufficed your craving!

Sunday, 20 July 2014

8 Weeks Out - Progress Update

This week I lost 1lb! My macros have been the same the last 2 weeks, so it's time to drop the carbs slightly by 15g for my 6 "normal days" and keeping my Sunday Refeed macros the same! 

Biceps & Calves measurements have remained the same. Chest & Quads have went up 1cm and my waist and hips have went down 2cm! 

I have noticed such a difference this week, I feel tighter, my middle abs are there most of the time throughout the day and I can see much more definition on my legs.  At 5 weeks out I plan to get another InBody reading to help see how I am doing.

I also noticed that my strength hasn't went down despite slowly reducing carbs, if anything most days I feel stronger or managing to do the same weight as the week before but with an additional 2 reps!

This week my training remains the same (sticking to the same training plan throughout) however I am going to introduce a further cardio session bringing me to 2x 300kcals low intensity cardio sessions per week along side my 2 Pilate Classes not forgetting my posing practice, this should suffice my deficit without having to play about with my macros too much!.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Beauty Regime

When I was 8 weeks out from my last competition, I stumbled upon a blog post by an American Bikini Competitor regarding how important it was to up your regular beauty regime during the final cutting phase to ensure your skin and face looked good on the day.

I have to say at even 8 weeks out I was starting to look a bit gaunt with black bags and circles under my eyes.  I also noticed that my hair wasn't shinning how it use to either.  This was mainly down to stress, worry, low carbs and irregular sleeping patterns!

I already have a really good beauty care regime, but after reading her article I noticed similarities in what she mentioned happening to me - now the good thing about changing your beauty care is that you get lots of points on your boots card! especially if you time it right with triple points day!  I got a bottle of Miss Dior out of my spending spree!

This is what I did 8 weeks out from comp every day until I was a week out from comp, I will share my beauty regime for the final week when I get to that stage at the end of August.

Full Body Moisturising

Previously I moisturised once a day, this was changed to twice a day. 


I love Argon Oil, it does wonders with my skin.  If you have never used this before I highly recommend introducing it, as the effects are immediate.  Argan Oil is pressed from the nut of the fruit from the Argon tree.  Its full of essential fatty acids, anti-oxidant's vitamins and minerals which promotes your overall health!  It also protects your face and hair from sun damage!!!  I used this every morning after the shower.


After my evening shower I would use Johnsons Baby Oil, including my feet!!!  and I would sleep in full length PJs and with socks on to retain the moisture!

Hair Masks

I have hair extensions in, and it isn't recommended to wash them every day.  I tend to wash my own top half of my hair every 2nd day, and the extensions twice a week.  When I do wash my full head again I use Argan Oil!    I love Organix Moroccan Argan Oil, I shampoo, then put conditioner on, brush it through and pleat then I chill out in my hot tub for 30-45 minutes before washing it out.  I then let my hair dry naturally for abit, adding more Argan Oil Protection serum to my hair (away from the bonds if you have extensions) and then blow dry on a cool setting.

Face Care

We all have our preferred skin care brands and regime when it comes to our face.  I love Bobby Brown and Estee Lauder.  It is crucial you cleanse, tone and moisturise each day and ensure you remove your make up!  Now I am one of the gym make up wearers! I always make sure I remove my make up immediately after a gym session to prevent clogged pores.

I do recommend changing your moisturisers to one that contains Vitamin E, and also making sure you are using a Vitamin E Eye Serum! trust me you will need it!!!

Abbey Clancy was on This Morning a few weeks ago and she said that the reason she has good skin is down to Bio Oil.  Once she has completed her beauty care in the evening, she waits an hour and then just before she jumps into bed she rubs Bio Oil into her face, she said it's the Bio Oil that gives her amazing skin and the dewy look!   I did this and now always do it!


So you spend a few days a week working on your glutes, then you get up on stage in a very small bikini - you want that bootay looking amazing! 

In the mornings after my application of Argan Oil Moisturiser, I then rub Soap & Glory Sit Tight firming lotion all over my glutes and hamstrings.  Its a firming lotion for people who spend most there day on the ass!  When massaged it stimulates circulation and visually smooth's out the skin.

In the evening after I oiled up, I would then rub Garnier  ultimate beauty oil skin perfector with Argan, macadamia, almond and rose oil into my glutes and hamstrings.


Its the most important part!  I exfoliated every 2nd day using Soap & Glory, I would chop and change between the Sugar Scrub and the Breakfast Scrub.  I hate exfoliation scrubs that have hardly any gritty segments in them, as then I rely too much on the exfoliation puff or brush which sometimes can be just too rough.  By using these scrubs you can do it by hand without the need of a brush!

Chicken & King Prawn Spinach Curry

My friend Lyn send me a fantastic E Cook Book by Greg Johnson! I love it and totally recommend that you get a copy!

The book is full of very quick, simple clean recipes.  I have made quite a few over the past week, and manipulated them to suit my taste buds or my macros!

This is my version of Greg's Chicken & King Prawn Curry, and the macro's quoted are based on the ingredients I used and 4 portion sizes.


25g Coconpure Oil
100g Tesco Red Onions
33.3g Asda Red Chillies
1.6g Schwartz Ground Ginger
2 tbsp. Curry Powder
5g Schwartz Coriander Leaf
400g Asda Diced Chicken Breast
180g Asda British Spinach
15g Asda Fresh Coriander
180g Asda King Prawns Cooked & Peeled
300g Veetee Dine in Thai Jasmine Rice


  1. Melt coconut oil in frying pan, adding the onion, ginger and chilli and stir fry for 2-3 minutes
  2. Add curry powder and cinnamon then stir fry for a further minute.
  3. Add chicken pieces, 400ml of boiling water and spinach and cook for 15-20 minutes
  4. Add prawns 5 minutes before the end of the cooking
  5. Season well and remove from heat (using remaining seasonings)
  6. Garnish with chopped coriander


383 Kcals
9.9g Fat
30.4g Carbs
4.5g Fibre
43.6g Protein

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Blueberry Protein Crumble

I am so lucky to have Lyn who is equally as much as a foody as me .. and likes treats!!! Lyn sent me this amazing recipe but unfortunately the fat count was just far too much for me! 

This is my version of a Blueberry Protein Crumble... although some people.. not naming names.... Andy Rennie thinks its actually a flap jack!  I can assure you it isn't! and you should remove it from the oven when it is all still crumbly!

As always the macros is quoted on 6 portions and using the ingredients below.


291.7g Asda Blueberries
3 tsp Stevia Pure
120g Nairns Gluten Free Real Porridge Oats
1 Whole Egg
1 Egg White
3g Schwartz Ground Cinnamon
1.5 Scoops of Smart Tec Whey Fx Banana Smoothie Protein
4.6g Sweet Freedom Natural Syrup


  1. Pre Heat Oven to 160 degree's
  2. Using an oven dish spread the Blueberries out on the bottom
  3. Mix all the ingredients in a bowel
  4. Spread mixture over the berries
  5. Cook for 25 - 40 minutes... keep an eye on your mixture if you want it to remain crumbly as oppose to a FLAP JACK,
  6. Remove from oven and serve
A few serving suggestions would be drizzle some more natural syrup with 50g of Fage 0% Greek Yoghurt!


149 Kcals
3.1g Fat
19.8g Carbs
3g Fibre
8.7g Protein

9 Weeks Out

My first week of cutting completed and I dropped 2.5lbs! It's always to be expected that in the first few weeks weight loss will be higher due to the body  transitioning to the changes.

I feel a lot more happier with how I look and my confidence has increased - no more bloated tummys!

I enjoyed only having the 1 cardio session this week and try to keep cardio sessions over the next few weeks to a minimum giving me a few cards to play if I plateu at any point down the line.

This week I will disperse my carbs slightly differently, going back to what I did for my comp in May, having carbs around the workout parameter.  Snack 1 & Lunch shall have no carbs and be protein and fats.

I am also going to eat quite plain and repetively Monday to Friday, this is to see if the changes effect my insulin sensitivity.  It also times in well that my period is due in 2 weeks time and I tend to get the "sweet cravings" a week before so am hoping the changes in the diet shall prevent these cravings from occurring! I am sure Andy will be pleased to hear this! Since it's an area he believes in and he likes to be proved right!

I am starting to see my inner sweep on by legs and improvement on my Glute / Hamstring tie ins which is what I have been concentrating on the past few weeks.

Over all I am happy with my progress to date and how I am looking... It will be interesting to see my gains from the past 8 weeks starting to appear as I progress through my cut.

Monday, 7 July 2014

Ten Weeks Out... It's cutting time

I have now hit 10 weeks out, leaving me 9 weeks to cut excluding Peak Week.  I am currently sitting at 134.8lbs with 12.1% BF.

With having a much better foundation for cutting than I had at the start of the year, I am approaching my cutting differently.  Carbs will be dropped progressively each week, and will be consumed in and around the work out parameter.  Initially cardio will still be kept to a minimum, and will increase  the closer I get to comp as a tool to increase the calorie deficit if required (if I have plateau).  I am also going to keep a weekly re feed in for the first few weeks and then phase this out.

For me during this cut I need to be much more aware of insulin sensitivity which will be a contributing factor to lowering my Body fat and making sensible carbohydrate choices throughout the next 10 weeks.

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Being responsible for making your own healthy eating choices

One thing I have enjoyed most about my change in lifestyle is having more understanding of nutrition and in doing so I have seen much better results in my performance in the gym, aesthetically and most importantly my wellbeing.

All these ‘Fad Diets’ or ‘Good for you’ / ‘healthy choices’ that supermarkets / restaurants have on offer aren’t always infact the best options – but they pry on people with little understanding of good basic nutrition.  Portion sizes I also feel is a contributing factor to people over or under eating as well.

I work for a big Oil Company in Aberdeen, who have recently had a new office built.  There is no microwaves or kettles on any of the floors, and the only fridges available are there to hold the company milk (which is free).  They have a hot water tap for your tea/coffee. 

The lunches are free and they have your generic ‘Healthy’ corner, along with a Costa Coffee selling a selection of the usual patisseries etc and the standard delivery of cakes / pies or bacon rolls if someone leaves, an achievement made or just for the sake of it because its Friday.  

Having a microwave and kettle in the kitchen area’s is deemed as a waste of space / there isn’t enough space… however if I was to take a picture of the space that is available I would like to see their argument for not having enough room for one!!!

The issue…

I now have to live off cold food whilst at work due to lack of facilities to accommodate my diet.  I contacted the Office Services and Catering Manager who informed me ‘I understand this may be an inconvenience for me but even the kitchen in the restaurant doesn’t have one’.

·         I can’t have my oats, because there is no microwave to heat them up in.. I refuse to have this pour in hot water oats because its powdered milk! And I can’t have that because it tastes bokes, and its processed rubbish.
·         I can’t store my almond milk in the communal fridges which is for the business milk, so no tea or coffee for me.
·         I can’t heat up any of my meals, so cold rice, chicken, cous cous on a daily basis it is for me.
·         My diet is now very limited Monday to Friday as realistically I can’t stomach cold red meat or fish!

I love how Oil Companies preach good wellbeing, healthy options but in fact they aren’t… I have witnessed many a time the generic female with a lack of good nutrition knowledge hitting the salad / chicken bar… piling up on salad heavily oiled up with god knows what.. and over piling her plate with far too much chicken.. taking us back to portion control and not knowing what is actually in our food!  I remember once looking at the macros on a McDonalds Salad, you might as well have ordered a Happy Meal! 

It would be interesting to see if I said my food issues was down to religion if a microwave and kettle would be installed? … Just a thought!

In this day and age we should all be able to make our own food choices and not be dictated to, its like being back at school!

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

New Challange!

Everyone who knows me knows I love a challenge and I always like to have Afew projects on the go!... As well as competing I am now studying for my Level 2 Gym Instructor and Level 3 Personal Training Qualification along side studying nutrition!

I am really big on bettering one self, and even though I found my NVQ Level 3 in Project Controls a challenge while training and holding down a full time job ... I think I may find this easier because it's something am passionate about!

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

11 Weeks Out

11 weeks until my next competition... UKBFF East Midlands... I am abit nervous about cutting in such a short period however as mentioned before I know I have a better foundation to start from this time round!

My holiday weight gain is gone and am back fluctuating between 131/132lbs which I have been for 3 weeks pre holiday while upping my carbs - happy that my reverse dieting is spot on!

Started incorporating my quarter turns every 2nd day post workout ... I know it's an area I lack so really need to up my game.

Dependant on how consistant my weight is this week I may delay cutting for another week but I will see what the mirror/ tape measure and scales say on Sunday!