Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Under or Over???

For most women who train or have lost weight there comes a time that breast augmentation (BA) may cross their mind.

For me this happened a year ago, after witnessing my chest decrease from a 36GG to a 32C within 2 years and now in the past year to a 28B.  

I constantly stuff my bra and gym tops to "enhance" something that isn't there.  One of my male friends said I was committing fraud! 😂

I guess when you think about it I am already fake because my so called "assets" are enhanced with chicken fillets the only difference being they sit externally to my body as oppose to being internal!

The past few months after competing enlargement has played on my mind a lot, if anything to the point I think about it daily.

My issue with the surgery is recovery, and which option is best under or over?!  I know I want surgery but which option is best for me?

I don't like to rush into anything like this... It took me 12 years to get my rhinoplasty!!! However I don't plan to spend 12 years thinking about this!!! 

I have researched a number of forum boards and read countless amounts of posts from females regarding their experiences, I have found very limited amounts of information from girls who lift writing about their experiences but what I have found has been very informative.

Originally I felt under the muscle would be the way to go but this past week all I have read is about the long recovery period, the pain from being under the muscle due to it being tight from training... Which has made me side towards over the muscle. 

However my friend Stacey made a valid point don't just go with over because recovery is quicker, your stuck with them for at least 10 years so you go with what suits you.

I guess when you compete you always have to have a plan, and because I am still undecided what to train for next year it's making planning harder to contend with.  My focus is my next 2 comps in September once I have competed I would hope that it clears my head and makes me focus more on next years goals and where my surgery is ideally fitted into that.

If anyone has some useful sites or links with info please post your comments below!!!

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