Monday 27 July 2015

Turkey Sweet Potato Stovies

An alternative to our Lean Meat Sweet Potato Stovies recipe.

Serves 5

1 Egg
4 tsp Worschestershire Sauce
80g Red Onion
1tsp Dried Mixed Herbs
2 tbsp Rosemary
25g Tomato Puree
900g Peeled Sweet Potato (cut into cubes)
500g British Extra lean Turkey Mince  Sainsburys
1 Can Garden Peas
1 tsp Himalayan Salt

1. Boil water and add the sweet potato and salt.
2.  At the same time brown the onion, add in the mince, herbs, tomato puree.  Once browned add the egg and worchestershire sauce.
3.  Cook the peas.
4.  Mash sweet potato and add to the mince, then add the peas.

Per portion

377 Calories
Fat 3g
Carbs 43.7g
Protein 36g

Turkey Chilli Fruit & Nut Burgers

These are HOT!

330g of Turkey Lean Breast Mince (less than 3%)
50g Whit worth Fruit Mix (Sultanas and raises)
50g Sainsburys Taste the difference Rolled oats
2 tbsp Crushed Chillies Schwartz
2 Eggs

1.  Mix all of the ingredients in a bowl.
2.  Split into 4 patties
3.  Fry with low calorie spray on a griddle pan.

Per Burger

235 Calories
4.9g Fat
15.4g Carbs
31.7g Protein

Sunday 26 July 2015

UKUP - Matt Marsh

Just a few pics from UKUP.

Neil Hill Academy - Y3T

Last Autumn Andy introduced me to Y3T after he himself started a plan from Neil Hill.  After just a few weeks into the programme I started noticing huge difference in my strength and how I challenged  and pushed myself in the gym.  Not only this the "science"behind Y3T completely fascinated me and changed my whole mindset on training going forward.

Neil takes on 30 students every 6 months to train up in the Y3T system, however a place on the course is by application only.  I was lucky enough to secure a place out of over 250 applicants and start the course on Tuesday.

Quite a lot of my clients who I coach are now using some or all of the Y3T principals and have seen great results as well and like myself their mindset has totally changed on resistance training.

For those of you who have never heard of Y3T, it was developed by Neil Hill, the key fundamental principles of Y3T as a training system include a Multi-Dimensional Approach.  The majority of training systems out there are 1 dimensional and stick to one form of lifting.  The majority of people follow the same approach all the time the body then adapts to this and your left continually forcing adaption to happen and progress becomes hard to achieve.

Y3T is multi-deimensional for muscular hypertrophy.  It prevents the common occurrence of plateauing and works over a 3 week window, broking into 3 cycles.

  • Week 1 Cycle 1, Heavy, compound movement with high volume and low reps
  • Week 2 Cycle 2, Moderately heavy, compound & isolation movements with moderate volume and moderate rep ranges
  • Week 3 Cycle 3, Low Volume, high reps, maximal intensity training, going to and beyond failure.
By utilising different rep ranges, training volumes and changing the overall emphasis was week Y3T is continually introducing a new training stimulus, which shocks the body into responding.  

For anyone interested in Y3T I highly recommend you visit Neil's website and sign up to his free daily email newsletter

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Peanut Butter Protein Fudge

This recipe makes 18 Squares.

You will need:

40g Organic Tiana Coconut Flour
4 Scoops Sci-Mx Vanilla Whey
65g Smooth Peanut Butter (Wholefoods Natural)
115ml Unsweetened Almond Milk
20g Coconpure Oil (my protein)
20ml Rowse Light & Mild Honey
4tsp Stevia

1.  Mix in a large bowl
2.  Line loaf tin with grease proof paper
3.  Spoon mixture into tin and spread
4. Set in freeze (cover with foil) for 45-60min
5. Remove from freezer & cut into 18 squares

Macros per Square

3.7g Fat
2.3g Carbs
5.1g Protein

Monday 20 July 2015

First Place Figure - UKUP

For those of you who follow me on Instagram or FB you will already know from the high volume of pics taken by my sister and Laura that I placed 1st in my category and then 1st overall female in the Ultimate Physiques competition on Saturday.

Originally I had set out to do BNBF Figure category but ended up behind in prep due to recovering from my op longer than expected, loosing my job in February, then moving abroad and adjusting to life in Vienna as well as training up on a new discipline, I also started my own business and continued my studies in order for me to get a place on the MSc Project Management Course I wanted to do in September.  To say it hasn't been a stressful year is a complete understatement!  Most of the comps in Scotland are April to June time, so the Ultimate Physiques comp was the last comp I could hit without my prep being wasted.  

I am so glad I did the comp! although there wasn't as much competitors in the Scottish comp compared to their other qualifiers in England, I have to say it was the most enjoyable comp I have done so far.  Everything was so well organised, and flowed smoothly and I felt a lot more relaxed.  The girls back stage were so friendly too which totally put me to ease as I am not the most confident person on stage and my nerves do tend to get the better of me.  I highly recommend anyone competing (especially for the first time to consider UKUP).

I am really proud of what I have achieved in 9 months and the changes in my body and thats the most important thing of all being better than you were the last time stepping up on stage.  

Just a few pics from the weekend...

BBQ Chicken and Bacon Pasta Bake

Perfect Pre Workout Meal, the below makes 5 servings.

You will need:

300g of Wholewheat Fusilli (Asda Cook Italian)
40g Raw Red Onion
4 Matthesons Turkey Bacon Un Smoked Rashers
300g of Chicken Breast
200ml of Unsweetened Almond Milk (Alpo)
400g Tin of Chopped Tomatos (Napolina)
6 TBSP of BBQ Sauce (Sainsburys*)
60g Weight Watchers Reduced Fat Mature Cheddar

1.  Cook the pasta in boiling hot water and pre heat your oven.... (whilst this is cooking) 

2.  Cook your chicken and turkey in a frying pan with low calorie spray.  Once browned add the onion, chopped tomatoes and almond milk.

3. Once pasta is cooked combine with the chicken and turkey and add the BBQ Sauce.

4.  Transfer into a baking dish and sprinkle the cheese over the top and bake for 10 to 15 minutes.

386 Calories per portion
4.7g Fat
47.8g Carbs
34.7g Protein
5.4g Fibre

Chocolate Peanut Butter Tart

The macros are still high on this, but it is a cleaner alternative to the original recipes you see on the internet.

You will need

5ml of Light & Mild Rowse Honey
1 tsp of Vanilla Extract
15g of Philadelphia Lightest Low Fat Soft Cheese
75g of Fage 0%
15g of Smooth Organic Peanut butter (Wholefoods)
1/2 Square of 70% Cocoa Dark Chocolate Lindt
20g of The Oat so good Company Sultana & Raisin Granola (Poundstretchers sell this dirt cheap!)
3/4 Scoop of Sci-Mx 100% Vanilla Whey

1.  In a bowl add 7.5g of  Peanut Butter, 5ml of Honey and the 20g of Sultana Raisin Granola and mix well.  Pad into the bottom of the ramekin and freeze for 30 minutes.

2.  Whilst the base is in the freezer make the topping.

3.  Add the remaining ingredients in a bowl and mix well (except for the chocolate)

4.  Remove the ramekin from freezer, spread the topping on top, and then grate the chocolate over the top.

Pop in the fridge to set for 20 to 30 minutes and serve.


352 Calories
14.3g Fat
22g Carbs
28g Protein
3.8g Fibre

Monday 13 July 2015

Its Peak Week

Its that time again where I go all quiet.  The last few weeks has seen me on very little carbs and keeping my head down.  As always lower carbs and the depletion phase makes you question yourself and every day looking in the mirror your opinion on what you see and what you think you see change.  This is when you need the honesty and support of other people around you.

Last week I was very flat, my priority was to drain as much water as I could as I do hold onto water naturally mid section (but this is down to my hormones and issues "female" related from my past operations and treatment).  I am always very conscious about my abs.  Hands up I do believe I could have come in harder and drier and I was late upping my cardio, I was so wrapped up in keeping my calories higher than last year because I was starting in a better foundation that I didn't incorporate enough cardio than I should have, which has seen me increasing my cardio the past few weeks to stupid levels.  Ah well lesson learned!

The thing about prep is that you have to enjoy the journey, if you find it a chore then its not for you.  I love prep, I love the discipline, the buzz it gives me and the motivation.  I don't enjoy the last 2 weeks of prep but whats 2 weeks against 20 or 52 weeks!?

I heard a comment in the gym the other day that made me laugh, someone said they were thinking about competing in bikini because there boyfriend wanted them to do it?  Why would anyone ever compete because a partner wants them to do it is beyond me!  Prep for a comp is extremely challenging and for most people they do not realise the pressure it puts on a relationship.  I have seen many relationships fail because of the pressure of prep and how it changes a person mentally (especially in the last few months).   When people ask my advice on prepping I always mention the below points.

  • Are you able to put prep before your social life?  (this doesn't mean not having a social life but that there is certain things you won't be able to do or will be hard to do and challenge your will power and self control).
  • Do you have self control - e.g. if your on a night out sipping on that diet coke, and you are being encouraged to drink can you say no firmly - are your friends supportive enough to take no as an answer ONCE?!
  • Can you hack getting up before your work for cardio? 
  • Are you ready to spend less time with people who are not supportive?
  • Are you able to put up with the comments of people who just don't get it, and who comment with narrow minds over you being too "skinny" being on a "diet" or eating "food which isn't fine"?
  • Are you able to smash every gym session 100% even if you feel like shit.
  • Are you able to be truthful to yourself and control food cravings?
  • Can you deal with people (average jo's) commenting on your physique day in day out even though they don't have a clue?!
  • Can you put up with the fact that after 20 or 52 weeks or even a few years of prep that you might not place and win a plastic trophy?  
  • Can you deal with being judged and taking that criticism with your head held high, on the chin and turning criticism into a positive thing to make you come back better and stronger?
  • Are you able to deal with politics (like in all sports), and keep your dignity?
  • Understand that the only person your in competition with is yourself? and that every prep is you comparing yourself to how you looked on your previous prep?
  • Do you have a support group of friends who will be truthful to you?!  friends who tell you that you look good all the time are fine, but when it comes to prep you need people who tell you the TRUTH, as during prep there is times you become complacent and need someone to give you the truth if your slacking or areas to improve on.
Don't enter prep thinking its going to be a walk in the park or under estimate it, I completely did for my first comp, and to be honest I under estimated my 2nd comp not giving myself enough time, and guess what I have under estimated this 3rd comp by not introducing enough cardio!  The whole journey is constantly a learning curve and you can't follow the same protocol either as the year before.

Implementing Change

When I decided to re train to become a Personal Trainer and study Nutrition, I was criticised by many for "jumping on the wagon".  I ignored the negative comments and although I have a very well paid job and career in the Oil and Gas Industry there is nothing rewarding about processing a work pack and issuing it offshore for me - no real job satisfaction.

I remember how unhappy I felt with my appearance, and how I struggled with my weight and confidence during my 20s (the years you should be enjoying yourself!).  There were more lows than highs and I turned to food for comfort.  When I hit rock bottom and changed my body I realised I wanted to help others achieve the same and make them realise that fad diets in magazines, 14 day ab blasts, body wraps or your standard "slimming clubs" are just not sustainable long term, and the best approach is healthy diet with exercise to complement this.

Having a good support network around you really helps you achieve your goals, and as you progress and start smashing those goals, you start to realise which friends are really your friends.  I have spoke to a number of ladies at the gym that I attend who are slightly older than me but have transformed their lives, and have lost friends along the way.  When I ask them why, the response is always the same for each person - not because interests have changed but down to jealousy.

Its amazing the effect of other peoples comments and opinions have on us women, we do take every comment made about our appearance personally and we over think things too.  When I lost weight I had people speak behind my back saying "it won't last", "she will put it all back on".  Previously I wanted to prove these people wrong (which I have done) but now I see the bigger picture... I don't care about proving a point to them, I no longer deem them as my friends and I think that people like that are very nasty individuals and not worth knowing.   My perspective on life now is to surround myself with positive people who have the same mindset and lift me up rather than put me down.

I do a lot of online coaching, which does see me being a personal trainer, nutritionist, motivator and support worker.  A lot of my female clients have experienced issues  as I mentioned above, not just from friends but family too!  Some of the comments can really knock my clients confidence and make them deviate from plan, for others it gives them even more motivation to prove the "haters wrong".

One thing I have struggled with is understanding that not all clients or people in general have the same motivation and determination as me, and although I set out with my Online Coaching to change peoples mindset, push them in their goals they wish to achieve, I now realise that change starts with one person - YOURSELF.  Although I can give a client all the tools and support to succeed their goals, the responsibility in achieving those goals lies with the individual, and its very hard for me to watch a client fail.

When you implement change it is extremely hard work to begin with, but once its there and your seeing the results it becomes a way of life and you will wonder why you never embraced it before.

Last week I overheard a conversation about a woman who had re joined a female only franchised gym, (can not name it), but they are based around the city, and you go there for 30 minute workouts.  She said this was her 3rd time there and each time she had lost x amount of weight.  Clearly she stopped going, gained the weight and keeps re signing up.  Later on in the day she asked who wanted to order a Dominos pizza for the Holiday Monday since the canteen would be closed.    Although this totally angers me, I am starting to understand that I can't change everyone and there are people like this out there who will quite happily spend there life wasting money on half hearted change.

Going back to the topic on fad diets, and "slimming clubs", the reason why I don't like them is because when a client reaches their goal, there is no ongoing support, help or information on how to maintain what they have achieved.  How can a person realistically point track for the rest of their life?  I also don't agree with the convenience meals that they produce which are costly! or where the individual can save up points for alcohol.  I just feel that these clubs "cash in " on vulnerable people.  However the plus point for these clubs is that for a "VERY SMALL MINORITY" of people, at the end of their plan have a switch that clicks on.  They realise that this isn't sustainable long term, and they go and see a professional and educate themselves on good nutrition and how to sustain what they have achieved.  It also kick starts a whole new life for them.

Hands up, the first 5 months of my weight loss, I stupidly stuck to 1400 calories a day, I had a cheat day every Saturday, I went to the gym twice a day.  At lunchtime I did 30 minutes Kettlebell circuits, in the evening I ran on a treadmill for 60 minutes, then I swam for 60 minutes solid.  I probably burned on average around 1000 calories per day but only consumed 1400 calories - BLOODY STUPID.  I lived on Protein Shakes and rice cakes.  When I look back I am utterly disgusted what I put my body through over 20 weeks, and I am so glad I realised that it wasn't sustainable long term and seemed professional help.  I was also very lucky to have people around me who are educated in Nutrition and gave me a good talking too when they realised the extent of what I was putting my body through.

I know this post is abit ranting and goes off in tangents but its food for thought.  A number of issues in this post have happened this week and as they say its better out than in!

Change happens when YOU want it to and only YOU can implement it.

Saturday 4 July 2015

Nutella Protein Cheesecake

The trouble with baking is that you always bake too much, and thats when you can start "grazing" or over indulging.  I am a huge Nutella Fan and I no longer keep a jar in the house - its asking for trouble!  I only purchase it if I am baking or have people over and once I have used it for whatever I need to the remaining nutella is binned.

This is a cheesecake recipe for making 1 individual portion.

1.  In a bowl add 10g of Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted Whole Grain Almond Cereal (muscle foods), and mix with 5g of crushed hazlenuts, and a tea spoon of light and mild honey.  Mix well then pad out on the bottom of a small ramakin dish.  Pop in the freezer for 1 hour.

2.  For the cheesecake in a bowl add 75g of 0% Fage, with 15g of Sainsburys Lighter Soft Cheese, , 5g of Nutella and 1 Scoop of Vanilla Sci-MX 100% Whey Protein.  

3.  Pour the cheesecake mix over the base and pop back in the freezer for approx 30 to 45 minutes.

4.  Remove the cheesecake and add 5g of Nutella decoratley across the top of the cheesecake.  you can also add some optional garnish like i did of one ferrero roche & some berries (this is not inc in the macros quoted below and either is the fruit).  Place in the fridge for 20 to 30 minutes.

344 Calories
13g of Fat
22g of Carbs
31g of Protein

Progress Update 2 Weeks Out

Well as of tomorrow I start my slow depletion, I have decided to go back to the depletion that Andy had me on for my Bikini Comp last year as it worked a lot better for me.

I have been Carb Cycling on around 80g - 100g of carbs all week, and on some days training twice a day which has been hard going but the fact that I am not working in the office at the moment due to issues with my contract, these low carb days have been a lot easier to deal with!

Today I am having a re feed - if you can call it that?  120g of carbs.

I am very happy that I am leaning in a lot more than past 2 weeks, but a statement that Emma Storey Gordon made on her FB page made me chuckle.  I have been loving her wee meme thought posts the past few weeks but this one I can totally relate too! since 8 weeks out I have been saying... its just water its just water.... but sometimes it takes someone or something to make you stop and take note.  This meme certainly did esp at 4 weeks out.... Hands up I admit it I should have started cutting sooner than the 16 weeks, I should have just stuck to what I did last year and done it over 20 weeks and cruised in and maintained from around 4 weeks.  What has now happened is I have had to do additional cardio (not that it bothers me too much).

Am I as lean as I could be - NO

Am I particularly bothered - NO.  As far as I am concerned the improvements I have made over the past 12 months in both training, understanding my body and enjoying prep far out weights this.  Yes there will probably be leaner girls there on the day, but I have just enjoyed the whole prep this time along with experiencing issues such as loosing my job along the way which for most people would cause them to go off the rails but I stuck with it.

I am really looking forward to comp, and spending the weekend with some close friends who have been so supportive through my high and low days!  I can't wait to get slammed up and hit Edinburgh on the Saturday Evening with good friends, good food, prosecco and lots of ice cream - WINNER.

Friday 3 July 2015

Peanut Butter Cookie Sandwich

This is one of those recipes that is a working progress.  I am not convinced that I have perfected this one, and I will give it another attempt after my competition (the temptation to nibble with this one is far too much).

Keep your eyes peeled for the perfected recipe in a few weeks time!

1. Blend 100g of Sainsburys taste the difference oats to flour.
2. Add 50g of Vanilla Whey Protein Powder (I used Smart Tec)
3.  Soak half a cup of Dates until caramelised and add to the Oats and Whey.
4.  Add 10g of Coconut Flour.
5.  I rolled up even balls of 10 of the mixture then flattened them evenly (you could use a cookie cutter), on grease proof paper.
6.  Pop in the freezer for 90 minutes.
7.  Melt down 30g of 70% Lindt Dark Chocolate
8.  Between each sandwich spread your favourite Peanut Butter.
9.  Drizzle meled chocolate over each sandwich

No macros provided because as mentioned, I haven't quite perfected this one, it still needs some work!

Double Chocolate Chip Protein Muffins

I think it is safe to say this is my best treat recipe yet! I made 6 large muffins, but it did over spill the 6 muffin tray, so I recommend using a 12 muffin tray.

 1. In your blender blend 200g of Sainsburys Taste the Difference Oats and blend to a flour. 

 2. Add 70g of Protein Works Chocolate Brownie Whey, 3 Egg whites, 50ml of Almond, 170g of Fage 0% Greek Yoghurt, 1/2 tsp of Baking Poweder and 1 tsp of Baking Soda. 

 3. Mix together and then add 75g of Dr Oetker Chocolate Chips. 

 4. Spoon the mixture into your muffin cases. 

 5. Bake in a pre heated over for around 30 minutes at 150degrees. 

 6. Leave to cool and serve 

 Macros per serving based on 6 
 219 Caloires
 6g of Fat 
27g of Carbs 
15g of Protein 
