Friday, 31 October 2014

HIIT Circuits

Finally This week I am 1lb over my stage weight from 7th September.  My reverse dieting has been a success and the last 2 weeks I have also been in a surplus to my maintenance!!!

I still look reasonably lean and haven't spilled over, I look fuller and I am liking my look at the moment.

I have been breaking down my HIIT training to 4 PWO HIITS the last fortnights, and this has kept me lean mid section yet challenges me a lot more than doing HIIT on a cardio machine.

I use my Tabata timer and do 30s work, 20s rest, and I only ever do HIIT burning 150-200kcals each session.

My favourite circuit is

1. Uo/ down step
2. Jumping jacks with hand weights
3. Burpees
4. step Static Lunges
5. Kettlebell High Swing
6. Step Jumo Squats
7. Kettlebell Figure of 8s
8. vIPR Power Press
9. kettlebell alt swing Ups

I keep repeating the circuit until I burn the required amount of calories!

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Abs Programme

ITwice a week I have been hitting an Ab Core Programme and each time I have done this I have had DOMS!  Which is a good sign because it means on each session am challenging and pushing myself!

The programme has been formed using some Medrano and Insanity principles and excersizes.  

For anyone who fancies a challenge here is the programme!!! If you want it in electronic format then drop me an email 

Monday, 27 October 2014

The Silver City - Aberdeen Body Building Competition

I had planned to hit the gym today and then knuckle into the books and study for my final exam, however slight change of plans and I ended up attending a promo video shoot for Results Gym for The Silver City Show thats happening in 2 weeks time in Aberdeen.

Thanks Vikki for asking me along, and thanks to Stacey for her bozie to keep me warm - thats 2 bozies in 2 weeks!!!!

Sunday, 26 October 2014

End of Week 6 - Phase 1 - Block 1 / 2

This week was a mix of Block 1 and Block 2, the difference between the 2 blocks is a rep change in my compound movements, and sets in isolations.

Its always good to have a change in a gym programme to keep momentum going!  I know I keep saying this the past fortnight but I am seeing such good visual changes in my delta and quads which was the 2 areas that were high on my list to improve.

No weekly progress photos, I have decided to take them fortnightly at the moment to see more visually change.

My macros are remaining the same this week, 235g Carbs, 45g Fat and 160g Protein.  My weight has been sitting steady at 135lb mark all last week until thursday and then its slowly started dropping! so this is another reason why my macros are going to remain the same.

I have decided to get my in body reading done the morning before my op so I can get a good comparison against week 1 of this programme.  Although In Body readings are not accurate it is a good measure if your consistent with it.   I plan to go back to callipers from January.

A few generic selfies from this week!

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Nutrition Seminar

Weekends are never spent doing what the average jo bloggs would do! This morning I went to Scott Bapties from Food for Fitness Seminar at Aberdeen Sports Village.     The seminar is aimed at Personal Trainers giving them an insight into different nutrition strategies they could use on their clients.

There was defiantly a good few techniques that Scott mentioned that I will be implementing into my nutrition plans.

This is the 3rd Nutrition Seminar I have been to and its a good way of getting an insight into different peoples perception of nutrition and their theories and methods.  

Friday, 24 October 2014

Sweet Potato Nutella Drizzled Donuts

This is the quickest clean treat to make when you get those urges to be naughty!  Its so easy to make that there genuinely is no excuses to reach for rubbish! Sweet Tooth Satisfaction - GUARANTEED!

  • 250g Sweet Potato Cooked (takes approx 5 min! if you cheat an boil the water in the kettle first)
  • 50g Vanilla Whey (I used My Protein)
  • 2 Tablespoons Coconut Flour
  • 1/4 Cup of Pea Protein
  • 1 Cup of Egg Whites
  1. Blend all ingredients together
  2. Pour into a silicon 20 Mini Donut Tray
  3. Bake at 150 degree for 12-20 minutes keep an eye on them!
  4. Leave to cool for 5 minutes.
  5. Melt down a tea spoon of your fav choc! and drizzle over them! I used a teaspoon of Nutella!
Now this mixture can also be put into a silicon muffin tray and you can make muffins! Add in some Chocolate Chips!  Use Chocolate Whey instead of Vanilla!!!!

The below macros are based on 2 mini donuts!  

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Quad Progress

There is no denying that as this year has progressed my legs have got better and better!  Legs is one area I enjoy training.  There is only one excersize I am not keen on and that is deadlifting, but I am slowly changing my mindset on it, after seeing improvements in my glute hamstrings.

In my current programme I am doing alot of straight sets, however every week I have been throwing either a rest pause set in with my leg extension or  a superset with walking leg extensions on my hypertrophy days.  I have also been finishing up on Donkey Kicks and Handing Leg Raises with ankle weights which are all contributing to bringing my quads and hamstrings through.

With my op fast approaching, I am giving each gym session my all!  I plan to take a weeks solid rest post op, and then get back to training legs the following week!  I won't be able to Squat or Deadlift for 4-6 weeks so any squats I do will have to be body weight, however I plan to get some good quad and hamstring isolation workouts on the go!   Plenty of rest pausing and dropsets!

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Bronze me up!!!

I hate being white and am not a big fan of fake tan however after being lectured by my sister for the use of sunbeds I have decided to fake it!

Gym User + Hot Tub + Sauna = fake tan disaster!!

With this in mind I have decided to trial all the progressive moisturiser tans on the market!

This week I have opted for the spray on Palmers moisturiser.  I am a huge fan of the lotion, and thought the spray on would be fast for on the go.

I used the spray once a day, had 2 hot tubs and one sauna over the course of the week. The colour was great but after 3 days it was going patchy in areas such as my feet or shins?

I liked the colour but I think I would stick to the lotion over the spray it's so easy to miss sections (which I did).  The bottle only just lasted me a week for £7! Where as the pump bottle lotion lasts me around 3 weeks for half the price and it gives you a much more even colour!  I also think the lotion gives you a much darker colour! Where as the spray I think it would take a good few weeks to see a difference.

Over the next few days going to exfoliate it off and try out FakeBake Sports!

End of Week 5 - Phase 1 - Block 1

Finally a weekly update with progress photos!!!

I have finally completed block 1 of my 12 week Hypertrophy periodisation programme and start block 2 tomorrow!  

The results speak for themselves.  I can't believe the improvements on my delts and quads in such a short period already.  One thing I am grateful for is that my body adapts and responds so quickly.  

A lot of people complain they never see the results in the gym irrespective of their training - yes nutrition plays a huge role but so does well thought out training plans, sticking with them for a set period of time and having trust in your coach!

There is no denying it I am looking softer and it can be abit of a mind battle in the mirror some days, but keeping a stage weight / look all year round isn't healthy.

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Credit where credit is due

My amazing fantastic sister!

Last year Sharon did a 10 week nutrition plan with Scott Baptie 'Food for Fitness', less than a month after finishing her plan Sharon found out she was pregnant!

When she went on maternity leave she spent her last few weeks pre birth prepping meals ready to get back on plan, this time opting for a training and nutrition plan from Harry Ranson.  

Here is her photos the day after finishing her plan with Scott, to her 20 week plan post pregnancy with Harry.

I am super proud of her!  


This past 12 months I have given myself a lot  of self praise regarding how I approach a situation that angers me or where I have a difference in opinion.

In the past I would respond and retaliate instantly and defensively (the Aries in me).  I hated this attribute, and decided that when a situation angered me instead of voicing my opinion, I would open up my notes ap in my phone type out my anger and frustration.  Then an hour later or when I had calmed down I would revisit what I had written and review it.  This then involved me rephrasing what I had written, and also understanding different perspectives or opinions and in some cases adopting a 'Sitting on the fence approach'.

It has taken me almost 24 hours to write this blog post.  I have deleted paragraphs, rephrased them, deleted them again, re typed it... so here it is... if it offends anyone or the person in question then I apologise (but they offended me first by correcting me and commenting on a technique they have never used themselves which is narrow minded?).   

A few weeks back a member at the gym I train at came over to me (during a set may I add) and asked why my squat stance was wide. [Insert Angry face here!!!].

  1. Naturally I squat wide, because I can get lower, and my form is a lot better.
  2. I have had a knee injury in the past and subsequently when I squat narrow my knee injury flares ups.
This same person then approached myself and my training partner the other day,  this time correcting her form on her squat, even though he wasn't training with us?  Later on he then questioned a training method we were doing on Leg Extension deeming it as pointless and that we were 'hogging' the machine.

So Gym Etiquette....

Should you correct someone on form? and do you know them well enough to correct or interpret how they may respond?  

For example the guy in question above, if I knew him, he would have had my fist in his face or a very cheeky response!!!  The fact I didn't know him and he questioned me over my form offended and angered me, more so that he put me on the spot to justify why I squatted that way.  Once I responded and he had walked away I began to over analyse what had just happened and get myself even more angrier.

  1. I know my form is correct, and there is a reason to why I am squatting wide so why should I have to justify this to someone.
  2. This person deems his training so valuable that he's written it on a scrap piece of paper.  Where as he just questioned someone whose training is extremely structured and important to them -  I am also training with a goal in mind.
  3. This person trains in the same manner day in day out,  his training methods have never change. However my body has changed progressively since being a member there.  I have adopted many training systems being open minded to figure out what works and doesn't work for my body over 12 week periods!  I train consistently, with structured programmes and most importantly I have the results and keep getting the results I train and strive for. 

Do you even know who your questioning?

Nothing more embarrassing than correcting someones form or questioning their training methods when that person is a qualified individual or an athlete in that field?

Ever considered that your form or training routine is rubbish?

Yes there is a possibility that although your questioning others on their forms and training methods, that the person you questioned may also think that your training programme is utter shit - but then again I don't know what your training for so therefore I wouldn't comment and end of day it's none of my business and I would never dream of going over to you and questioning you on it.

Although I always have a bit of banter with some of the guys at the gym I go to, stating that they only train disco muscles, they know its banter!  never the less some of these guys who do train only upper body the majority train sensibly with structured workouts and the gains are noticeable! Once again I couldn't care what they do! Each to their own! Am more interesting in myself and reaching my own goals! 

I don't go to the gym to correct others on their form and make them feel inadequate, I also don't know if they have any underlying injuries.  They may be beginners, confidence building, finding out what works for them! - everyone has to start somewhere after all! and we were all beginners once.

If I felt the need to approach?

If there was a situation where I felt I needed to intervene and correct someone,  I would be incredibly diplomatic about it, where they can respond if they want the advice or not first before giving them it.  


'Do you mind if I give you a pointer to tweak that exercise, its just you might find you will get an injury doing it that way, as I discovered in the past'.  

You definitely need good interpretation skills to approach an individual you do not know.  A person will either appreciate or not appreciate being corrected.

The tone of your voice and how you go about speaking to that person is also a huge influence on the response you may get back from that person, you might not get the response you expect.

When I was approached about my squat the way that person approached me I felt was belittling my technique and then when with my training partner dissing the technique I felt was also undermining me? 

I appreciate feedback and correction from qualified, experienced individuals or people who have the physique I want.

If any of the PT's at my gym or people who have the look am trying to achieve came and corrected me or gave me  pointers it would be welcomed and appreciated.

Questioning Training Methods?

If you disagree with someones training method that's fine we are all entitled to our opinions!  

I don't agree with crossfit but some of my friends have great results from it! But I would never belittle them for using a system they enjoy doing and have results from?

I do not want to hear someone's opinion on my training practices when I am after a completely different end product to what their trying to achieve!  

My biggest pet hate is people with an opinion who have never tried that approach, this goes with any subject in life not just a training system.

The moral of this story is I have a game face in the gym for a reason... to get in the gym, smash my workout, rest , repair and repeat! 

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Yoga Update

This is now my 3rd Yoga Beginners class and I am hooked!  Its amazing how interested you can become in a subject when you click with the instructor!

I am almost at a point of managing downward dog with my feet firmly flat on the ground - this is a huge achievement for me as I lack flexibility.  When I was practising yoga myself, it took me around 6 weeks to touch my toes without the use of blocks, however now with Jenny explaining better what I should be doing and feeling, I managed to touch my toes on the 2nd attempt (and I haven't practised this posture in months!)

What I love about Yoga is it can be treated as some 'me' time and as a therapeutic treatment, I have started looking foreword to Wednesdays and at the moment its my favourite day of the week! huge shocker for me as usually my leg session with a back 2 back step class has been my favourite for the past year.

Hopefully I can get to a point over the next few weeks where i feel confident enough to go into an all level Yoga class and practice a few times a week!

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Additional Blog Pages

I am starting to add some additional pages to my blog, with recipes / progress pics / samples of training programmes etc! unfortunately these are only viewable if you access my blog from safari and not the mobile version of my blog!  if accessing from a mobile scroll to the bottom of the page and click view in web browser and then you can access the additional pages of the blog!

Lainey's Turkey Pumpkin Chilli

I am not the biggest fan of red meat, so I opted for lean turkey mince, however I am going to try this recipe again next weekend using Piedmontese Mince from Andrew Gordon (trust me if he had been open today I reckon I would have opted for Piedmontese!)

Anyway ... back to this recipe! Extremely simple to make and brilliant macro's!  If your having this post workout i recommend using some basmati rice for simple carbs! for any other meal time slot why not change out rice for Quinoa like I have done??? 

Serves 6 People!


1 green pepper chopped
1 red onion chopped 
800g Asda lean Turkey mince
1 table spoon Schwartz cumin
2 Tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil
25g Jalepino Peppers
1 1/2 Tins of Chopped Tomatos
400g of Pumpkin Puree
1 Cup of Water
1 Tablespoon of Chilli Powder
1 Teaspoon of Ground Cumin
1/2 Teaspoon of Pink Salt
100g Red Kidney Beans


  1. pour the Olive Oil into the pan and heat
  2. Add the onions and peppers and simmer for a few minutes
  3. Add the turkey mince and cook until browned
  4. Add all remaining ingredients
  5. Simmer for 30 minutes


That Saturday Night Feeling

If someone has said to me 10 years ago I would be heading to the gym to spend my Saturday Evening I would have told them they were having a laugh!!!

Yesterday joining me was my inspirational sister Sharon and it was Leg and HIiT Cardio!

Although I love my individual gym sessions having a gym partner also keeps you motivated and pushes you! If Sharon wasn't there with me last night I would have bailed out of my HIIT at 200 KCals but she was doing 300 so my competitive side took over and I powered through to 300 with her!

The best thing about not boozing it up on a Saturday is how much more you get from a weekend! I was up at 8am fresh as a daisy and in the gym smashing another session!


End of Week 4 - Phase 1 - Block 1

The end of another week!  I am still struggling with the air conditioning units at work, and constantly sneezing and feel like my chest is tight, I have now started waiting until around an hour after work to hit training as it takes about this time for my body to recover after leaving work.  If anyone has any suggestions on what to take to help the issue please let me know!

I have struggled to hit my macros this week, sometimes being as much as 10g out on some days!  I do find that when 'Aunt Flo' is here, I am not consistent with hitting them down to trying to factor in my cravings for sweet things.  She's packed her bags today and has gone so I will defiantly be hitting them macro's this week!!! 

Progress pictures to follow! Struggled to take my pictures today myself, I need to look out my tripod out of the loft, as my camera fell a good few times when balanced on a ladder and if it didn't fall by time I walked into position the camera was wobbling and I had some nice blurry pics!!!

At the moment am sitting on 45g Fat, 150g Protein and 215g Carbs on a normal day, however am still in deficit with my training.  Hopefully in the next few weeks I should be out of it!  I

I am very aware that its 5 weeks on Saturday until my op, so gym sessions are my main focus, ensuring I make as good a foundation as possible before i have to take my week out, and slow the pace for a good 6 weeks post op.  I am starting to worry about loosing my condition after the op, the good thing is I can still train legs, but my main focus this year was shoulders/delts and the concern is that I won't be able to train these again until into the New Year.

Here is hoping the fact that I am fit and healthy my recovery is quicker!

Hope you all had a good weekend x

Lainey's Protein Nutella Cheesecake

I I love Cheesecake! but its something I find hard to fit into my macro's (okay so I am greedy I like a huge portion of cheesecake!).

I have taken my Almond Protein Cheesecake and tweaked the recipe slightly and created my new Nutella Protein Cheesecake!  At the moment I have already hit my FAT macros so I will not be test tasting this until tomorrow!

This is a great recipe to prove to cheesecake lovers that a cheesecake doesn't have to be loaded with fat to be tasty!

Method  / Ingredients for the base

  1. 40g Asda Ground Almonds
  2. 80g Meridian Almond Butter
  3. 15g Light & Mild Honey
  4. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl then pat out in a small cheesecake dish (the mixture above should fill a 9" diameter dish)
  5. 25g Nutella spread on top of the base.
Method / Ingredients for the topping

  1. 250g Quark
  2. 170g Fage 2% (however the shop had none when i made this so i had to use 0% which is what my macros for this recipe is based on!)
  3. 1 teaspoon of Stevia
  4. 3 Egg Whites
  5. 50g My Protein Vanilla Whey
  6. Whisk in a bowl until fluffy.
  7. Pour over your base
  8. Heat in Oven for 30-45 minutes at 150 degrees
  9. Leave to cool
  10. Drizzle approx 10g Nutella (warmed up in micro 10s) over the top of the cheesecake.
Another suggestion would be to crumble 2 Ferrero Roche over the top of the cheesecake!

The macros based on 8 portions and using same ingredients and quantities as me.......

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Launching 'ThisFitNutSquats'

I am fast approaching 10000 hits on my blog which am really delighted about!  The last few weeks I have had so many people speak to me about it, and how they are avid readers, which motivated me to freshen up the blog.

Big Changes to come over the next few months including.....

Domain purchased....  you can still reach my blog with the old address! 

For those of you new to my blog, I am also sitting my final Level 3 Personal Training Exam in the next month having already passed my Level 2 and Nutrition Weight Management Courses!  I will be launching an Online Coaching Website very soon so keep your eyes peeled!  

At the moment I have taken on a 'Secret Client' who I have been prepping for the last few months as part of my course, this client has committed to me for 12 months and I will be introducing this person very soon to you all on the launch of my website!  I will be looking to take on a 2nd client for a 12 month programme (completely free)... details to follow very soon with the chance to apply!

Hope you all have an amazing weekend x

Thursday, 9 October 2014

What do you do to look the way you do?!

This picture came up on my Instagram feed this morning, and I instantly re posted it on my own page.

At the gym, a lot of females come up to me in the changing room and ask what I do to look the way I do, I know these girls are regular gym users, so my response is always greeted by funny looks – ‘What is your eating habits like?’

Nutrition plays a huge role in getting the results you strive for…. it doesn’t matter how many hours you do in the gym, the amount of cardio classes you do, or the 100 ab crunches you do at the end of each workout – if your still shovelling rubbish down your mouth or have no understanding of portion control or good nutrition then the results you want will never be accomplished.

‘So what do I have to change’ is the response I get back.

Truth is it’s a lifestyle change, but simple changes can make a huge difference, and good nutritional habits don’t happen overnight! Their built upon daily / weekly / monthly and yearly.  Nobody can wake up and suddenly know everything there is to know on good eating practices, it is learnt in time.

5 small and simple changes that can be applied instantly...

1.     Eat

There is a huge mis conception that if you cut your calorie intake you will lose weight, eating too few calories ultimately makes weight loss slower by slowing your metabolism as your body goes into ‘protection mode’ against the possibility of starvation.

Living off 1200  calories per day is unsustainable over a long period of time, but is fine as an interim short term solution to reach a specific weight loss goal (if the 1200 calories consumed is by means of good nutritious food sources), however most people on a calorie controlled diet will  plateau around week 3 to 4 weeks, bin the diet, hit the convenience foods / alcohol and pile on the pounds that they shed!

Although there is no evidence to back up claims that 6 smaller meals increases metabolic function compared to 3 large meals per day, I do think for anyone losing weight that you should opt for the 6 smaller meals approach.  We all know the typical traits of being on a ‘diet’ your mind automatically tells you your hungry all the time!  Its defiantly mind over matter!!

2.     Drink 3.5 Litres of Water per day

Water composes 75% of your muscle tissue, dehydration leads to weakness, fatigue and dizziness and shall greatly affect the performance and recovery of a workout, it also assists the bodies transport system to transport nutrients around the body!

Water can assist with weight loss! I drink 300ml of water before every meal I have to make me feel fuller!

There is so much benefits to drinking water I could fill my blog with it!  When I changed to drinking water all day I noticed changes in my skin glow, and I didn’t get blemishes as often either!  My horrendous migraines I use to get in the past no longer exist and I strongly believe this is down to drinking water and good nutrition!!!!

3.     Remove convenience foods

The great thing about convenience or fast foods is that your food can be ready in a matter of minutes… but as far as I am concerned that is the only positive. 

I prepare all my foods on a Sunday while watching X Factor, it takes me 1 – 2 hours and I can usually make around 14 meals which I then freeze!  I defrost the meal I plan to eat the next day the night before slowly in the fridge, couple of minutes in the micro and meal served!   At least I know what’s been added to my food, how it’s been cooked and prepared.

There is a huge mis conception that healthy food is too expensive, but this simply isn’t true.  I can spent £50 a week and make 6 meals per day for 2 weeks!... I am going to go as far as proving this claim in another blog I am currently working on!!!

Convenience and fast foods lack nutritional value and the ingredients and preservatives may in fact damage your health!  There is so much proven studies with cancer patients where there life expectancy with terminal cancer was extended purely down to nutritional changes in their diet. 

4.     Reduce Alcohol

Removing alcohol from your diet will speed up weight loss, however its not always realistic for someone to cut it out completely, and that there is the social element as well.

Be Alcohol Smart,…

·         If you’re not finished your drink when someone is ready for the next round, say no you have a drink.
·         Opt for Diet Soda’s as a mixer to spirits.
·         Avoid drinks like beer, cocktails and alcopops
·         Be AWARE that alcohol encourages you to consume foods you might normally never eat when sober!

5.     Cut out Sweets / Cakes / Biscuits & Crisps

Reducing sugar will also speed up weight loss!  Chocolate, cakes and sweets are low in fibre and lack nutritional value! 

When I cut out sugar from my diet in the first initial 12 weeks of my weight loss plan afew years ago, the immediate effects I saw was the reduction of cellulite from my buttocks and thigh area! I have the pictures to prove it!!! 

Sweets / Cakes / Biscuits / Crisps etc are meant to be classed as a ‘TREAT’, yet many people consume these on a daily basis!  When I consume a biscuit, it makes me want more!!! There is plenty of people out there that can’t control sugar urges!

You don’t have to quit these items, but by opting for healthier options or smaller quantities can be a way of curbing and reducing your cravings… when you start reducing sugar, the craving for sugar does subside.  In time I have found myself baking chocolate peanut butter protein cakes and finding these much more satisfying than chomping on a chocolate chip muffin!

Sunday, 5 October 2014

End of Week 4 - Phase 1 - Block 1

I finally managed to get over my food poisoning from last weekend, but it wasn't until Wednesday I started to feel more me.  

This week is deloading in training, all sets reduced by 1 and weight 10% decrease.

I have to say my legs and Delts are showing visible "gains" and I can't believe the difference in such a short time, but my body adapts so well and in short time frames.

Since my weight stayed constant all week I get to up my carbs again by 15g on normal days... So that's me now sitting at 215g carbs 6 days a week and I am not seeing any spill over yet.  

I have 7 weeks left on the programme and the day after i finish its op time.  Which is great small achieveable goals...

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

First Group Yoga Session

Carrying on from my last post regarding improving my flexibility and core strength during my off season I decided to attend a group yoga beginners class.

I have done many yoga DVDs in the past, done my own practice and also 1-2-1 sessions, however this evening was the best yoga experience I have ever had.

Although yoga is a very mind, body, spirit movement, as a beginner I feel it's imperative that you connect with your instructor when starting out.  I defiantly clicked with Jenny this evening.  Jenny was calm, inspiring  and patient qualities all Yoga Instructors possess However Jenny was by far the best Yoga Instructor who I had that explained everything clearly and well!!!

I could never transition between the poses correctly and focused too much on my breathing or keeping up with the instructor.  However Jenny explained to focus on the movement first and breathing second while practicing the pose and then one you understand the pose move in and out of the pose in line with your breathing - if this means your going in and out of the poses faster than those around you so be it.

By the end of the class I felt really relaxed and Jenny said that I transitioned really well and she could tell I was very in tune with my body, breathing and positioning. 

To be honest prior to going to the class I was considering not going because I always get told how unflexible, no rythem or how un co ordinated I am! - other people's opinions questing my own ability!

I am so glad I went as I proved myself wrong!!! I can transition between the poses connecting to the breath and this is down to me being in tune with my own body!

The great thing about Yoga is flexibility comes in time and through regular practice.  Although I get more enjoyment from pilates in a challenge perspective and it will improve my core stability, i do feel yoga will aid me to relax and unwind on my rest days.