Monday 30 November 2015

Calorie Deficits and Plateau

If you walk into any newsagent and cast your eye over the female ‘weekly’ magazines, you will find at least 2 with headlines stating how you can drop a dress size in 14 days or loose a stone in 30 days. The reality is that this is a quick fix, and anything you did loose during that period, you will likely put back on just as quickly as you lost it.    In order for this type of weight loss to occur it involves a horrendous calorie deficit.

Very few people choose to take the healthy approach to weight loss, by evaluating their current diet and making small simple changes, most are after ‘quick fixes’ and to implement change over the shortest period of time possible. 

Those people who choose to go on horrific calorie deficits certainly do pay the price long term.  I have seen a number of people develop sensitivity to particular food groups, their health has suffered and worse still their results plateau leaving them confused on what to do next.  Another factor is obtaining meal plans from people who are not qualified, or perhaps follow one protocol.  At Nemesis we follow a number of different protocols because we understand that one type does not fit all.

In August a lady who had been on a very low calorie diet, which also contained ‘fasting’ for a certain amount of hours during the day, approached me.  There is no denying that at the start her weight reduced and she was seeing results, but as she continued change slowed down.   She started to notice changes in her health, she was tired all the time, crashing at certain periods of the day, lacking energy in her workouts, noticeable changes in strength and feeling miserable. 

I did not realise the extent of the issue until we had our consultation, where I realised that this was not going to be easy.  My client had potentially developed sensitivity to particular food groups due to her diet being very limited.  She was burning around 600 calories in the gym, but was only consuming between 500-600 calories per day.  She had a job, which was mentally challenging and was relatively active and her metabolism was non-existent.

The first step was to start increasing her calories.  She was already in a huge deficit of her BMR and increasing the calories to this straight away was too much of a risk.  Instead I increased them by 300 per day, and gave her a set diet plan.  We sat down and went through the diet plan and why certain food sources were chosen and why. 

I made it very clear that this client needed to concentrate on reducing her food sensitivity and speeding up her metabolism, and weight / fat loss is not on the cards for at least 3 months.  I must admit I was very sceptical if she would trust the process, especially since her goal was to loose weight.

Within 14 days my client had moved from a set meal plan to making her own food choices – something she had never done before, as the previous plan she was on was a set menu.  Within a fortnight we ended up having to increase her calories more than we originally forecasted because she was loosing weight and body measurements at every weekly check in.  Her metabolism was slowly speeding up.  She continued to introduced new or more of food sources she had been originally been denied, and the results stayed constant. 

After 12 weeks, she is still 300 calories short of her maintenance on her current statistics, and is about to embark phase 2 with Nemesis.  We will still be increasing her calories until plateau with statistics occur.

To give you some perspective of her fantastic results.

Week 1
Week 13

I am bowled over with what this client has achieved during the 12 weeks.  She trusted the process and advice given, followed it 100% and it was a huge relief for both of that there was no long-term damage.

Every time I see her in the gym I notice huge changes not just in her body composition but her confidence, skin and wellbeing and she is constantly telling me how much energy she has and how she is performing better in the gym and feels happier.

In order for weight loss to occur you do have to be in a deficit, but there is a line, which you don’t cross and that is starvation.  Decrease your calories slowly and sensibly to prevent your metabolism slowing down otherwise you will head straight for the brick wall.

Steady and Slow

As we approach a new year, it gives us time to reflect on the past and changes we want to make for the future.  A great deal of new years resolutions is related to weight loss or improving health.  

In the past 12 months since Nemesis started we have coached around 40 clients.  All our clients have different goals, aspirations and starting foundations.  Some of those clients are able to stick to their plan 100% and other’s deviate or struggle.   All our clients are asked to complete a detailed questionnaire that provides us with information regarding their goals, current lifestyle, work balance, exercise and fitness levels as well as their nutritional habits. We then assess what type of programme is best for the client.  We have turned down a number of clients who have asked to sign up, and this is mainly because they are after ‘quick fixes’ and unwilling to change certain things in their lifestyle.  If you do not embrace change – nothing will change.

We also made the decision several months ago not to take on any clients who ask for 12-week programme, our minimum sign up is for 4 months, and this is only for clients who have a good starting foundation.   We believe the key to long-term success in a lifestyle and body transformation is to ensure that the programme is healthy and sustainable long term.  We also noticed that clients who followed a 6 – 12 month programme with Nemesis are the one’s who achieved the best results.

The problem with people today in the pursuit of a transformation is they want to do it in the quickest amount of time, and they focus solely on the reduction on the scales.  We make it very clear upon sign up with Nemesis that we do not use the scales to measure ‘success’.  Although all our clients are made aware of this prior to signing up with Nemesis, 9 times out of 10 within 3 weeks that client is emailing us demotivated that they have remained the same or gained weight on the scales (despite changes in the mirror, and on body measurements!).  We have even seen clients drop out at this point unable to change their mind-set, which is heart breaking for us as coaches. 

It’s very sad that we live in a society where the scales rule and dictate if you’re successful or aesthetically pleasing and I do believe that social media, slimming clubs and magazines are responsible for this.

To put it into perspective, the scales takes into account far too many factors

·      What types of food sources you consumed the day before
·      Stress
·      Anxiety
·      Ovulation
·      Menopause
·      Menstruation
·      Lack of Sleep
·      Sodium
·      Water Consumption
·      What training you did the day before
·      The type of training programme you are following

Just to name a few!

I am constantly reminding my clients ‘when was the last time someone asked them how much they weighed?’  If they lost 1lb on the scales, I ask them the following week ‘did anyone come up and notice you lost 1lb on the scale? Did they guess you lost 1lb?”

If your body measurements are reducing then your clothes feel looser, and this is visual change - people are more aware of the changes your body is making as well as yourself. 

I always use this photograph as a comparison for my clients.

In photo 1, I was between a size 16 – sizes 18.  I weighed 136lbs, with 36% body fat.  In photo 2, I am a size 8 – 10, I fluctuate between 142lbs and 146lbs and I go between 10.1% - 13% body fat.

When I was bigger, the size of my clothes or the figure on the scales didn’t actually bother me.  I hated how I had a ‘muffin top’.  I was constantly pulling at my jeans and giving myself the ‘Simon Cowell’ look.  I hated how my arms wobbled.  I had no butt; it was flat, saggy and full of cellulite.  My skin looked dull and lifeless.  I constantly had colds and migraines and felt tired all the time – especially at work around mid afternoon.  I hated how I looked, and couldn’t believe how much I had let myself go and was extremely unhappy.  I remember going into female changing rooms to try on clothes that looked great hanging up or on the mannequin, but by the time I had squeezed the outfit on, and standing in the middle of a 1m square changing room cubicle with ‘bad mirrors’ I felt even more horrendous.

Yes I weigh more now than I did back then, but I don’t care – I FEEL GREAT.  Nobody has ever asked me how much ‘weight I have lost’ but they have asked how I manage to get such a nice butt, or arms, or how tiny my waist is.   I no longer have to tuck in that tummy into my jeans.  I feel super tight and toned, and I try on clothes all the time and look and feel fantastic. 

If your thinking about changing your lifestyle with a healthy approach whist transforming your body then please visit our website.  We don’t do fad diets, we don’t starve our clients and we support you throughout your plan with us.  We are in it for the long haul.

The hardest part of a transformation is letting go all of the conflicting information that you have read, changing your mind-set and putting 100% trust into your coach and 100% commitment into your change.  You get back what you put in.  If you deviate, you push your goal further away. 

Everyone thinks that a transformation is hard work, and it really is simple train consistently and eat healthier.  No miracle diet pills, juicing diet, 1200-calorie or point tracking is sustainable long term.

‘If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is!”.


Thursday 26 November 2015


We all have our week points, some people choose to accept this, others work on it until they defeat it.

I have mentioned previously I was never a fan of deadlifts and prone to injury.

- Ego Lifting
- Lazyness

I have completely changed from the mindset of ego lifting and I rarely boast how much weight I can push/lift/press.

My focus is on time under tension and form.  I must admit I can be a lazy cow when it comes to deadlifting it's a chore loading and deloading those weights.

I am on week 3 of my pyramid programme, and can't get past 92kg without sacrificing form and tempo and I just refuse to do it.  Over the next week I will be reverse dieting further and I am hoping some good carb loading pre workout and my move to Edinburgh will refocus me.  

I find I perform well in the gym when my life is less stressful.

Never sacrifice tempo and good form for weight.

Wednesday 25 November 2015

UKUP - Matt Marsh Official Photographs

Just sharing some of the stage photographs from the British Finals I received from Matt Marsh

Sunday 22 November 2015

Nemesis Christmas Night Out

Prior to chatting about Nemesis (which is part of my life), I just wanted to emphasis as per the disclaimer on my blog and in earlier posts.  That this is my personal blog, and anything I post in here is of my personal opinion and not of those represented by Nemesis Personal Training & Nutrition as a business nor of that of any of Nemesis Personal Training & Nutritions investors or affiliates.

On Saturday evening Sharon and I were lucky enough to spend some quality time socialising with some of our current and ex clients.  Nemesis is almost one year old and we have grown at a rapid pace, without compromising any of our services we offer.  

Although we have a fb forum which is private for our clients only and we are one big happy family on their, it was the first time a lot of us have met one another in person.  Nothing is more inspiring than sitting at a table full of people who you have mentored over the past year looking confident and happy with their achievements.  

I don't discuss my clients on social media without their consent especially on this personal blog, but what I will say is each of them had their own amazing story and journey and I am in awe of all of them and very grateful for the support they have shown Sharon and I as our business has grown.

Just some pictures from our Night Out.

The Reverse

I mentioned last week that I was still unsure what I wanted to do in regards to competing - I still don't and this was one of the reasons I was reluctant to start reversing.  Sometimes we are so focused on goals that we loose sight of important things.

This week someone whose opinion I value told me to stop being an idiot when I told them I was still on my pre peak week macro's.  I know myself this is utter stupidity, I am always preaching to my clients to eat more, and fuel their workouts accordingly and looking after their own health, yet I was being a total hypocrite.

I feel very privileged that I am surrounded with a small network of friends who believe in me, push me and most importantly are completely transparent! They never dress things up, if I look shit they tell me, if I lack motivation they motivate me.

I guess I needed that wake up call this week, and even though I still do not know what my next goal is, that person was right, staying on the calories I was on is not sustainable.

So thank you :)  I can always count on you to 'say it as it is'.

I started my reverse on Wednesday, and I shall hopefully be up to maintenance if all goes well early into the New Year.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Christmas Six Pack

One thing which really angers me is people who are in pursuit of a 6 pack and feel they only look their best if they have one.

Today I was asked if I still have mine. Who cares if I have or don't have my 6 pack? 

The answer is yes I do because I am carb cycling as I have still not made a decision what i want to do next. My 6 pack is there by default due to my deficit and will hopefully be there until Christmas.  

A 6 pack is not maintainable all year round unless you want to remain on a deficit, which is extremely unhealthy over a long period of time.

I see lots of girls on Instagram commenting on their 6 pack and all I see is a thin girl who needs a good bloody feed! I cringe when they add #gainz underneath their filtered photo.  "no love there is no gains there, you gained your 6 pack by default and you have zero muscle definition".

You can still have ab definition with a healthier approach to nutrition alongside a structured training programme.  

I would rather be healthy, lean with muscle and some ab definition than be skin and bone with a 6 pack.


Wednesday 11 November 2015

The 5 Week Nightmare

Initially I thought post comp I could start to destress and have an improved  life / work balance.

However this week and the lead up to Christmas is CRAZY!

This week I am moving out of my house and into temporary accommodation.  I have 2 essays to submit for Uni and my group assessment.  

The next 4 weeks I have 3 assignments every week whilst working on my final individual assignment which is 70% of my overall grade for one module.

Some of you may be aware that I am also studying towards my Y3T, and I have my last assignment for this year due on the 4th of December. 

On and did I mention I get the keys to my new house on the 4th December? 

Whilst all of you are celebrating in December I will be writing plans for all my have new clients who start in January.

Shoot me now!

Monday 9 November 2015

Promoting local businesses

At Nemesis we always recommend local companies to our clients, this ranges from food produce, supplements, clothing, exercise equipment and independent local gyms.

I tend to sit on the fence now and avoid controversial posts where ever possible especially on social media.  I feel that sometimes other people's responses to these types of posts and your response to the comments can affect your business and your professionalism.

This has been a difficult post to write, and I have deleted it a number of times over the past 4 weeks.  I have a number of clients who are either new to fitness or building up their confidence in the gym.  I have recommended the same independent local Aberdeen gym to all my clients, because I use to be a member there and at the time I was a member I thought the facilities were great, the staff supportive and approachable and the cost very reasonable.  Not only has a number of my clients signed up to this gym, they have also used facilities this gym offers out with their membership.

I was saddened to hear over the past 3 months comments made about my business by employee's who work at that gym and also how they have treated some of my clients because they have chose to use my services in regards to training programmes and nutrition support instead of the services offered by that particular gym.

Given that Aberdeen has seen a number of pay offs with the depreciation of the oil price, and that other industries in Aberdeen are now feeling the knock on effect (taxi drivers, beauticians, hair dressers, bars and restaurants), I am under the impression that a local gym would want to keep clients?  That clients pay their wages and they are in a job because of the members of that gym choosing to use the gym, irrespective if they choose to receive a training programme or nutrition plan from another company?

Surely a gym whose clientele look fit and healthy, attracts further clients = ££ Profit
If another company is recommending clients to sign up to that gym = ££ Profit

Essential qualities for anyone who works in the Fitness Industry in my view is

  • Passion for motivating individuals with a positive outlook.
  • Empathy and compassion to all clients or members of that gym.
  • Approachable
  • Customer Service Excellence
Reputation is everything in this business, and 'slagging' off rival companies, will never do you any favours, it also goes against all the qualities you should possess as a personal trainer / nutrition advisor.   People don't often promote a good service, but they are very quick to be vocal on a badly received service.

In future I will no longer be recommending clients to sign up to that gym, and will be directing them to the gym I use, where irrespective of where you choose to obtain a training programme from, you are welcomed as a member and treated and supported the same way as everyone else.

Nothing Changes

Binge eating is something that occurs post comp among some competitors.  However for me I tend to take the day off after comp, and pretty much resume my normal eating habits.  Some people may view my diet as bland, but I enjoy what I eat.  I consume the same amount of foods just more of that, and believe it or not a bowl full of vegetables and some marinated chicken or turkey steak is my ideal meal.

Today I have already done some morning cardio, and packed up the remaining part of my house.  I know that this week is going to be very busy for me and I do not want to put myself in a position where I am over or under eating or worse still consuming food on the go.  I spent 60 minutes this afternoon prepping 3 meals for each day.  My remaining 3 meals will be food's I can make on the day such as fage and berries, turkey steak and a poached egg, ryvita and peanut butter or some protein pancakes.   NO EXCUSES.  

People who make excuses are the type of people I avoid and have zero time for.  As far as I am concerned if I can do it, and my clients some of who are carers, battling an illness, work full time, mummy's or juggle 3 jobs and uni can do it then anyone can! and if you say you can't then you will never achieve anything in life.  

I have pulled together a 6 week mini programme of my own to follow in the gym, strength training, pyramids and compound movements - I can't wait!

Sunday 8 November 2015

Managing multiple projects and working to deadlines.

Managing multiple projects and working to deadlines – story of my life.  These past few months have been crazy.  Comp prep, uni work, a new job, moving house, moving city, studying for Y3T, building Nemesis and a daily 200 mile round trip has really taken it’s toll on me. 

Sometimes I do take on too much, but I never let it defeat me, as we say at Nemesis ‘If it does not challenge you, it does not change you’.

Every time I prep for a competition I learn something new about my body.  I have been very lucky (always find a positive in every negative), that every time I have been close to stepping up on stage something has happened to challenge me.  On comp one, I was sitting my exams, the 2nd comp I had some family personal issues to contend with, on my 3rd comp I lost my job (twice) during prep and moved to a new city and for this comp I had my final module essay for uni, involved in a car accident on peak week.

For those of you who have been around me over the past 2 weeks, you will know that I looked my best on Wednesday / Thursday this week.  I am devastated that on show day I didn’t look as good as how I looked mid week.  Unfortunately issues with food caused by travelling and a journey that took longer than expected,  resulted in some water and fluffiness issues. 

For most people these things would make or break them and really get them down, but for me it’s another entry in my ‘Lessons Learned’ log book.  If you make a mistake you learn from it and you will certainly never make that mistake a 2nd time.

Lessons Learned

1.     Never let others be in control of the journey down, especialy people who do not understand prep and the challenges you have faced to get there or simply just don’t get it.
2.     Never take a different route to what you have pre planned (e.g. service stations, what is available at each service station).
3.     Never people please, when it comes to the final week – your entitled to be a selfish b@st@rd after all the hard graft, and if other’s cannot respect that then they are not a true friend.
4.     Never change up your food to accommodate travelling.  Stick to what you know, and bring more food than you require.
5.     If you feel tired, sleep… sleep… sleep…
6.     ALWAYS be in control.

What’s next?

For those of you who follow me on instagram or fb you will know that I have decided not to compete next year.  I like to go on stage looking different with good improvements each time.  I really want to do Nabba, but the Scottish girls who compete look amazing, and I just don’t feel I am there yet to stand up on stage next to them, nor have the confidence yet to do an individual routine.  I want to take my time, and make some good improvements over a longer period.  My body also takes longer than other’s to shred in, and it’s something I just have to accept.

I am also a huge fan of Kerrie Donaghy  and have enjoyed her posts on fb and instagram this past 12 months taking a different approach to nutrition and training, and its made me realise that sometimes I just miss training hard and enjoying my workouts without the pressure of comps or carb timming!

Despite the drama’s of not looking as good as I did on Thursday I still came 1st in the British Finals for Ladies Figure which am so chuffed about!  UKUP - Fantastic federation to be involved in with a brilliant bunch of girls who were so friendly back stage. 

Huge congrats to Lyndsay Gormley and Elaine Cooper who also lifted trophies this weekend…. Lyndsay has amazing stage presence, with fantastic improvements since I seen her in July and as always full body envy of Elaine Cooper.

I also met Bobbi Evans who is sooooo lovely, I am very confident I will be standing on stage with her in the future in figure, and also huge shout out to llona Marijs who took 2nd place! You looked amazing!

All the best in a few weeks time at Elite ladies!

I am so lucky to have such supportive friends….  Laura Robertson who is my number one fan, Sam and Froggie who have been to almost all my comp’s – its so appreciative.  James for prepping all my meals the past few weeks due to my schedule and helping me pack up my house and putting up with my high and low days.

As well as this a fantastic support network at David Lloyds in Aberdeen from Chris, Hannah, Ben and David.  Huge thanks to David for helping me brush up my posing in the last week.  I am so gutted I am going to be leaving Lloyds its been an amazing 3.5 years.

I also want to thank my special ladies Marcia, Shelley, Sarah, Laurie and Katrina… they have seen very little of me in the past 2 years, but you know you have TRUE friends when you don’t see someone for months, pick up the phone and it’s like no time has passed.

Lastly my GREATEST inspiration Sharon.  She is my sister and best friend and knows me inside out.  She is a total star even though she is the most moody person when dieting! Haha!  She motivates me, pushes me, shouts at me if I ‘graze’ and go over my macros, believes in me and fights my corner.   It really annoys me when people say they want to look like us but they don’t have the time.  Everyone has the time if they want something badly enough.  Sharon gets up every morning at 4am, to be at the gym for 5am before her son wakes up.  She is then back by the time he wakes, feeds him, gets him ready for nursery, works, comes home and his mum, wife and lady of the house.    NO EXCUSES.  She looked bloody amazing at her photo shoot, and is now prepping for her triathlon.  INSPIRATION RIGHT THERE.

I have already had people ask me what I was going to munch on post comp.  For those of you who know me well, I don’t really binge eat…  I do have huge food hang ups because the bad stuff was what made me fat, miserable and so unhappy with my life previously that I never every want to feel that way again. 

I tucked into some Tequila Ribs and Sweet Potato Wedges post comp, with some B&J Mint Ice Cream and whipped cream, with a few chocolate coins, and some lindt balls. Oh and a few glasses of my favourite bubbles.  Today I had a latte, some reeces cups and a chicken pulled pork burger... thats as exciting as it gets! back to clean eating tomorrow, I actually feel so ill with even that small amount of badness.

I hope to maintain my current condition to Christmas before starting another bulk.