Monday 9 November 2015

Nothing Changes

Binge eating is something that occurs post comp among some competitors.  However for me I tend to take the day off after comp, and pretty much resume my normal eating habits.  Some people may view my diet as bland, but I enjoy what I eat.  I consume the same amount of foods just more of that, and believe it or not a bowl full of vegetables and some marinated chicken or turkey steak is my ideal meal.

Today I have already done some morning cardio, and packed up the remaining part of my house.  I know that this week is going to be very busy for me and I do not want to put myself in a position where I am over or under eating or worse still consuming food on the go.  I spent 60 minutes this afternoon prepping 3 meals for each day.  My remaining 3 meals will be food's I can make on the day such as fage and berries, turkey steak and a poached egg, ryvita and peanut butter or some protein pancakes.   NO EXCUSES.  

People who make excuses are the type of people I avoid and have zero time for.  As far as I am concerned if I can do it, and my clients some of who are carers, battling an illness, work full time, mummy's or juggle 3 jobs and uni can do it then anyone can! and if you say you can't then you will never achieve anything in life.  

I have pulled together a 6 week mini programme of my own to follow in the gym, strength training, pyramids and compound movements - I can't wait!

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