Sunday 8 November 2015

Managing multiple projects and working to deadlines.

Managing multiple projects and working to deadlines – story of my life.  These past few months have been crazy.  Comp prep, uni work, a new job, moving house, moving city, studying for Y3T, building Nemesis and a daily 200 mile round trip has really taken it’s toll on me. 

Sometimes I do take on too much, but I never let it defeat me, as we say at Nemesis ‘If it does not challenge you, it does not change you’.

Every time I prep for a competition I learn something new about my body.  I have been very lucky (always find a positive in every negative), that every time I have been close to stepping up on stage something has happened to challenge me.  On comp one, I was sitting my exams, the 2nd comp I had some family personal issues to contend with, on my 3rd comp I lost my job (twice) during prep and moved to a new city and for this comp I had my final module essay for uni, involved in a car accident on peak week.

For those of you who have been around me over the past 2 weeks, you will know that I looked my best on Wednesday / Thursday this week.  I am devastated that on show day I didn’t look as good as how I looked mid week.  Unfortunately issues with food caused by travelling and a journey that took longer than expected,  resulted in some water and fluffiness issues. 

For most people these things would make or break them and really get them down, but for me it’s another entry in my ‘Lessons Learned’ log book.  If you make a mistake you learn from it and you will certainly never make that mistake a 2nd time.

Lessons Learned

1.     Never let others be in control of the journey down, especialy people who do not understand prep and the challenges you have faced to get there or simply just don’t get it.
2.     Never take a different route to what you have pre planned (e.g. service stations, what is available at each service station).
3.     Never people please, when it comes to the final week – your entitled to be a selfish b@st@rd after all the hard graft, and if other’s cannot respect that then they are not a true friend.
4.     Never change up your food to accommodate travelling.  Stick to what you know, and bring more food than you require.
5.     If you feel tired, sleep… sleep… sleep…
6.     ALWAYS be in control.

What’s next?

For those of you who follow me on instagram or fb you will know that I have decided not to compete next year.  I like to go on stage looking different with good improvements each time.  I really want to do Nabba, but the Scottish girls who compete look amazing, and I just don’t feel I am there yet to stand up on stage next to them, nor have the confidence yet to do an individual routine.  I want to take my time, and make some good improvements over a longer period.  My body also takes longer than other’s to shred in, and it’s something I just have to accept.

I am also a huge fan of Kerrie Donaghy  and have enjoyed her posts on fb and instagram this past 12 months taking a different approach to nutrition and training, and its made me realise that sometimes I just miss training hard and enjoying my workouts without the pressure of comps or carb timming!

Despite the drama’s of not looking as good as I did on Thursday I still came 1st in the British Finals for Ladies Figure which am so chuffed about!  UKUP - Fantastic federation to be involved in with a brilliant bunch of girls who were so friendly back stage. 

Huge congrats to Lyndsay Gormley and Elaine Cooper who also lifted trophies this weekend…. Lyndsay has amazing stage presence, with fantastic improvements since I seen her in July and as always full body envy of Elaine Cooper.

I also met Bobbi Evans who is sooooo lovely, I am very confident I will be standing on stage with her in the future in figure, and also huge shout out to llona Marijs who took 2nd place! You looked amazing!

All the best in a few weeks time at Elite ladies!

I am so lucky to have such supportive friends….  Laura Robertson who is my number one fan, Sam and Froggie who have been to almost all my comp’s – its so appreciative.  James for prepping all my meals the past few weeks due to my schedule and helping me pack up my house and putting up with my high and low days.

As well as this a fantastic support network at David Lloyds in Aberdeen from Chris, Hannah, Ben and David.  Huge thanks to David for helping me brush up my posing in the last week.  I am so gutted I am going to be leaving Lloyds its been an amazing 3.5 years.

I also want to thank my special ladies Marcia, Shelley, Sarah, Laurie and Katrina… they have seen very little of me in the past 2 years, but you know you have TRUE friends when you don’t see someone for months, pick up the phone and it’s like no time has passed.

Lastly my GREATEST inspiration Sharon.  She is my sister and best friend and knows me inside out.  She is a total star even though she is the most moody person when dieting! Haha!  She motivates me, pushes me, shouts at me if I ‘graze’ and go over my macros, believes in me and fights my corner.   It really annoys me when people say they want to look like us but they don’t have the time.  Everyone has the time if they want something badly enough.  Sharon gets up every morning at 4am, to be at the gym for 5am before her son wakes up.  She is then back by the time he wakes, feeds him, gets him ready for nursery, works, comes home and his mum, wife and lady of the house.    NO EXCUSES.  She looked bloody amazing at her photo shoot, and is now prepping for her triathlon.  INSPIRATION RIGHT THERE.

I have already had people ask me what I was going to munch on post comp.  For those of you who know me well, I don’t really binge eat…  I do have huge food hang ups because the bad stuff was what made me fat, miserable and so unhappy with my life previously that I never every want to feel that way again. 

I tucked into some Tequila Ribs and Sweet Potato Wedges post comp, with some B&J Mint Ice Cream and whipped cream, with a few chocolate coins, and some lindt balls. Oh and a few glasses of my favourite bubbles.  Today I had a latte, some reeces cups and a chicken pulled pork burger... thats as exciting as it gets! back to clean eating tomorrow, I actually feel so ill with even that small amount of badness.

I hope to maintain my current condition to Christmas before starting another bulk.

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