Tuesday 11 August 2015

Prep Update

Since the UKUP finals are in November, and like last year I have not been able to enjoy the Summer as I have been on prep, I decided to take a semi off season.

I eat super clean all week and hit my macros, but if I have a social event at the weekend I flexi diet.  If its alcohol based then I drink sensibly and wisely.  If its a food even I eat sensibly and wisely.  I don't deny myself a treat if I feel I want it on these days as well.

I am less than my stage weight now, and still remaining lean, my waist has actually stayed the same, and all other measurements have went up.  Most importantly  my metabolism is back firing and I am sitting around TDE calories which is great.  I am really happy with my size at the moment and there is just not enough time to make any size "gains" in such a short space of time, so I am concentrating on my weak areas - mid section.

I have been incorporating a lot of core strength workouts and ensuring my abs are under tension throughout.  Another area i felt that isn't as good as last year is my glutes, however I think this is because I left cardio so late this year, that I was running a lot over a short space of time and this caused a flattening in my glutes.  Some people will criticise  my opinion on this but the fact is previously I had a fat jelly ass, and when I start running I loose my ass - it always happens and just how my body works.

As all my friends know I love to be busy all the time, so I have decided to design my own bikini for the finals.  I can't wait for all the crystals to arrive! super excited.

I start my degree next month as well in Project Management, I don't plan to do Project Management in Oil and Gas once qualified, my interest lies in house building and I would like to manage projects such as house conversions / extensions and then also the interior design side.  As well as this I have started my first module with Neil Hill on his academy training to be a Y3T Instructor and Nutrition Advisor. In October I also have my half marathon for the Lily Foundation.  If you haven't already done so I would gratefully appreciate it if you could sponsor me.


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