Friday, 3 July 2015

Peanut Butter Cookie Sandwich

This is one of those recipes that is a working progress.  I am not convinced that I have perfected this one, and I will give it another attempt after my competition (the temptation to nibble with this one is far too much).

Keep your eyes peeled for the perfected recipe in a few weeks time!

1. Blend 100g of Sainsburys taste the difference oats to flour.
2. Add 50g of Vanilla Whey Protein Powder (I used Smart Tec)
3.  Soak half a cup of Dates until caramelised and add to the Oats and Whey.
4.  Add 10g of Coconut Flour.
5.  I rolled up even balls of 10 of the mixture then flattened them evenly (you could use a cookie cutter), on grease proof paper.
6.  Pop in the freezer for 90 minutes.
7.  Melt down 30g of 70% Lindt Dark Chocolate
8.  Between each sandwich spread your favourite Peanut Butter.
9.  Drizzle meled chocolate over each sandwich

No macros provided because as mentioned, I haven't quite perfected this one, it still needs some work!

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