Saturday, 4 July 2015

Progress Update 2 Weeks Out

Well as of tomorrow I start my slow depletion, I have decided to go back to the depletion that Andy had me on for my Bikini Comp last year as it worked a lot better for me.

I have been Carb Cycling on around 80g - 100g of carbs all week, and on some days training twice a day which has been hard going but the fact that I am not working in the office at the moment due to issues with my contract, these low carb days have been a lot easier to deal with!

Today I am having a re feed - if you can call it that?  120g of carbs.

I am very happy that I am leaning in a lot more than past 2 weeks, but a statement that Emma Storey Gordon made on her FB page made me chuckle.  I have been loving her wee meme thought posts the past few weeks but this one I can totally relate too! since 8 weeks out I have been saying... its just water its just water.... but sometimes it takes someone or something to make you stop and take note.  This meme certainly did esp at 4 weeks out.... Hands up I admit it I should have started cutting sooner than the 16 weeks, I should have just stuck to what I did last year and done it over 20 weeks and cruised in and maintained from around 4 weeks.  What has now happened is I have had to do additional cardio (not that it bothers me too much).

Am I as lean as I could be - NO

Am I particularly bothered - NO.  As far as I am concerned the improvements I have made over the past 12 months in both training, understanding my body and enjoying prep far out weights this.  Yes there will probably be leaner girls there on the day, but I have just enjoyed the whole prep this time along with experiencing issues such as loosing my job along the way which for most people would cause them to go off the rails but I stuck with it.

I am really looking forward to comp, and spending the weekend with some close friends who have been so supportive through my high and low days!  I can't wait to get slammed up and hit Edinburgh on the Saturday Evening with good friends, good food, prosecco and lots of ice cream - WINNER.

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